“I did give him a chance. I gave him the same chance as any other guy I date—a chance to have fun, a chance to cut loose. It’s not my fault he couldn’t accept it when it was over.”

She shrugs dramatically.

“All I’m saying is, itseemeddifferent. You seemed different. And Anton really seems to love you. Just don’t take that lightly, alright? Some of us never get to be loved like that.”

I stop walking, turning to her in surprise.

“Some of us, like you?” I ask.

She laughs. “You know as much about my dating history as anyone. Don’t act surprised.”

“Oh, Mysti.” I lay a hand on her shoulder. “Fuck your history. You can have anyone you want. You just keep picking the losers.”

She giggles at that. “Oh fuck, Percy, I really do.”

“Well, then stop. If you want what Becky and Sam have, you can have it.”

“I don’t think so…” she trails off.

“Why the fuck not?”

“I don’t know,” she says. “Maybe there just isn’t someone for me.”

I can’t help but groan.

Of all the myths surrounding love, this might just be my least favorite. The idea that, somewhere on this planet, there’s arightperson for you just boggles my mind. Eight billion people floating around on a rock, and we each only get one?

Fuck that. I’d be willing to bet that there are hundreds, if not thousands of Mr. and Mrs. Rights for every person on the planet.

At any given time, there are multiple people that we’re compatible with.

Hell, I’ve done the leg work. I can say for sure that if anything, there aretoo manysomeone’s floating around.

“Don’t be fucking ridiculous, Mysti. You’ve probably got ten soul mates in this city alone.”

“You think?”

“I’m positive. Just try not to pick the biggest asshole in the bunch, okay?”

She smiles, the dread in her eyes clearing up.


I link my arm through hers, pulling her back into a stroll.

“Now, back to me…”

“Of course.”

“How are we gonna get back at the girls for the little stunt they just pulled?”

I feel my face pulling into a mischievous grin as Mysti chuckles.

“Ah, come on, they were just trying to give you another perspective.”

“Because there’s something wrong with mine?”

“Not—notwrong. Just…limited.”