“And they thought Lock and Liam would actually broaden my horizons?”

“Well, it was worth a shot.”

“Agree to disagree.”

She doesn’t bother responding. Frankly, I’m relieved. I’m getting a little bored of bickering with everyone.

The sooner they all accept my decision, the better. And that goes double for Anton.

Mysti suddenly stops walking, her eyes gluing to a spot in the distance.

I follow her line of sight, only a little surprised when I see him.

She leans in close, whispering conspiratorially.

“Percy, its—”

“Yeah, I know.”

“It’s Anton.”

“Yeah, Mysti, I see him.”

He stands idly at the intersection ahead, looking far better than he has any right to. My stomach clenches at the sight of him, heart beat picking up pace.

I feel Mysti push lightly on my shoulder.

“Well, go talk to him, Perce.”

I stare daggers at her.

“Didn’t we likejustgo over this?”

“But he’s your husband!”

“I really wish everyone would stop calling him that.”

She reaches down, linking her fingers with my own.

“Well, too bad. That’s what he is,” she says, pulling on my hand as she begins to walk toward him.

“Mysti, knock it off!” I shout-whisper, trying to pull back against her.

Fuck, this girl’s a lot stronger than I would’ve guessed.

“Just come on, Percy. You know you want to.”

I know no such thing, no matter what my body seems to think.

My heart hammers against my ribs as we near, my pussy tingling at the sight of him. Images from last night rush unbidden into my head.

I see us in his car, hearing my own voice like an echo.


I want nothing more than to run screaming from this place. Somehow, though, my struggles cease as we near him.

Now I can’t even trust my own legs.

A smile pulls at his lips, and it’s all I can do not to melt.

Time creeps to a still as we get into range of him, every detail of his face standing out with captivating clarity.

I force air into my lungs, willing myself to remain calm—detached.

I truly thought that after suicide jumping from his car, we were through with all this. Now facing him again, I feel completely overwhelmed.

Reluctantly, I find myself in front of him, my eyes taking in his form with traitorous appreciation.

Despite my wishes, I can’t seem to stop staring at my husband.