Lock just can’t resist agreeing.

“Yeah, Perce. If you decided to marry this guy while you were sober, I might doubt the decision…but you were completely off your head. That’s when we really know what we want.”

What little patience I had left seems to shatter, my frustration reaching new levels.

I just can’t talk to these people.

I love my girls, and we have a lot of things in common, but this just isn’t one of them. I don’t need a knight in shining armor—or more accurately, a prince charming. I don’t need a love story.

I’m thrilled that they got their happily ever afters, but I don’t need the same thing. I already have everything I need. Just me, my girls, and my freedom.

“The kind of love that we have,” Liam says, “it’s not something you wanna pass up on, Perce. I know you think you’re happy now, but just wait. One day, you’ll wake up next to the love of your life, and you’ll know what actual happiness feels like. Just like I do with Becky.”

“And I with Sammi,” Lock offers.

“Awe, thank you,” Sammi says. “I love you, too!”

Becky looks about ready to cry. Man, those hormones are really doing a number on her.

Add that to the list of things I never want to experience.

No husband, no babies. Simple.

“Alright, alright, you’ve said your bit. It changes nothing, but thanks anyway,” I say, eyeing Becky and Sammi accusatorily. “Are we done here?”

“I tried,” Lock says, now clearly speaking to Sammi.

“Yeah, sorry, love,” Liam adds.

Good. ’Cause if they’re about done offering love advice, I’ve got some shit to take care of.