
Saturday 3:18 Pm

Ihesitate in front of the door, trying to work up the patience to actually enter. After the day I’ve had, this is the absolute last place I wanna be.

Mother knows how to crawl under my skin, and I’m not ready deal with it.

Still, given my last encounter with Percy, this is looking more and more necessary.

I raise a hand before I can change my mind, fighting off the urge to turn and run. My knuckles land before I have the chance.

“Enter,” a woman’s voice calls, in the most chilling robotic and cold deliverance I could imagine.

I pull the heavy door open, unenthusiastically stepping through the entry.

“Hello, Mother,” I say.

I should have run when I had the chance.

“Anton,” she says in her signature monotone cadence. “So nice of you to join me. I was beginning to think that you and your little Penny had eloped.”

“It’s Percy, mother,” I say, as if she didn’t already know.

She waves a hand dismissively through the air.

“Percy then. Either way.”

“Well, here I am,” I say grandly. “What is it that you need?”

“What doIneed? Why, nothing, son. I simply wanted to know whether or not the wedding’s on schedule.”

I know she’s lying even before she speaks. The only reason my mother would want to talk to me now is to try once more to talk me out of this.

It’s been her sole endeavor since the moment I announced my engagement.

The fact that I’ve come here to finally fulfill her wish makes this all the most bitter pill I’ve ever had to swallow. To eat my pride and give her the satisfaction of being right about Percy, despite the fact that Istillthink there’s hope. But I’m running out of time.

“Actually, I have some unfortunate news about the wedding.”

“Oh?” she asks, not even bothering to try and hide her smile.

“Yes…as it turns out, there may well not be one.”

“Oh dear. Why ever not?”

I bite my tongue, willing myself to remain calm.

“I’d rather not go into it just now.”

She nods; no doubt she was expecting that answer.

“Very well,” she says as she sets her glass aside gently, standing to join me.

“Since you’re no longer planning to marry thatPercy, I really feel I must say, I never thought it was a good match.”

“I believe youhavesaid as much.”