
Saturday 2:23 Pm

She falls through the door with a shout of surprise, landing hard onto my lap. I have to choke back a laugh at the shock on her face, judging that it isn’t worth the punch she’d throw at me for it.

She looks frantically around the car, bunching her fists as she tries to identify the threat.

I mentally pat myself on the back for being right about the punch.

She swivels in my grasp, her eyes locking hard onto my own when she finally has me in view.

“Hello, darling.” I say in my sexiest voice.

From the murder in her eyes, I’d say it’s not having the desired effect.

“Oh,motherfucker,” she swears. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Okay Perce,” I say seriously, holding my hands up in truce, “I know you’re pissed, but I needed to talk to you.”

“That’s what fucking phones are for, jackass.”

“Excellent point. Would you have answered?”

She breaks eye contact, almost looking guilty. Almost. The look passes in a flash. Her face is completely unaccustomed to the expression.

In its place, a sneer forms.

“No,” she answers bluntly. “I wouldn’t have answered. But you know what? It’s my fucking choice, Anton. I don’t have to talk to you. We’re over, remember?”


“Nah. Fuck you, I’m leaving.”

She starts to get up, her body parting from mine for the barest second.

Obviously I didn’t go through all this trouble just for her to leave now—from a moving vehicle, no less. I stop her before she does something stupid—like trying to tuck and roll out of my life.

“Afraid not,” I say, grabbing hold of her.

She lands in the seat beside me with a growl.

“I hate when you do that,” she pouts.

“And I hate when you try to jump into traffic.” I say.

She glares daggers at me, her eyes practically burning into my own.

They fucking smolder, cutting right through me.

God I love this fucking woman.

And here’s the real kicker. Whether she wants to admit it or not, she fucking loves me too. I see it plain as day, her feelings for me heavy in her own gaze.

My cock throbs just looking at her. My hand print is clear on her face, just as I feel hers burning its way onto mine.

We sit staring at each other for a moment that seems like an eternity. Our eyes are unblinking, communicating more than we dare do with words.