I find myself feeding into the nonsense.

I know better. I really do. But right now I’m hurt and confused and upset.

Not to mention hungover.

I want to go back to my hotel and take a fucking nap and then just go home.

If you get married in another country, does it even count?I can just pretend this didn’t happen when I get back to the United States.

But part of me really wants to meet him.


I want to see the real him. I want to know what was so special about him for me to decide to marry him.

“Percy!” someone shouts.

I ignore it.

“Persephone!” I hear.

God dammit, this is getting so irritating.

“Percy, we need answers!” the little fuck in front of me shouts.

I cock my hand back, ready to sucker punch this little asshole.

But as I put force behind my swing, I start moving backwards.

Panicked, I whip my head around.

Before I can even understand what’s going on, I’m in the back of a limo.

Anton’s limo.

And he’s sitting under me, face pulled into his most charming smile, ready for me.

It would appear I have some explaining to do.

But so the fuck does he.