As I wrap my fist around Lock’s dick for the final time before he’s officially mine, I can’t help but marvel at how fucking big it is all over again. It’s like every time I see it, I fall a little more in love with it.
Sammi Brighton. Seduced by a dick.
I don’t know why that surprises me, but it does.
Still, surprise doesn’t stop me from sticking out my tongue and pumping his cock in my fist until all of his precum is milked onto my taste buds.
There’s something incredible about Lock’s cum. Salty and sweet all at once.
That one little taste is enough to make me want more.
And if there’s one thing I’m damn fucking good at…it’s getting what I want.
“That’s right, darl,” Lock purrs as I wrap my lips around his heavy, engorged tip. “Take it all. Lick it all up. Get me wet then suck me dry.”
“Mmmph” is all I have to say to that.
It’s all that needs to be said.
I know it was a wild fucking ride getting here. And I know that this isn’t what I planned. Farthest thing from it, in fact.
But with my Lock’s dick in my mouth and the gorgeous world that is his stupid, handsome, lovable Australian body left for me to explore, I can’t imagine my life ending up any other way.
“Take my cock, Sammi!” Lock’s voice turns to a low, desperate growl as he grabs my braid, meeting my pace with a little thrusting of his own.
The pace doubles. Then triples.
“Sammi!” A high-pitched Texan voice calls out from the bottom of the temple’s steps below. “Are you guys getting married or what?”
“Yes,” Lock growls, not to Mysti May, but to me.
I feel his balls tense up beneath my chin.
I start sucking harder.
“Come on, you fucking horndogs!” Percy shouts up at us, too. “The ceremony’s about to start!”
“You’re mine.” It’s like the rest of the world doesn’t exist for Lock right now—his existence begins and ends at my mouth, and I double up my efforts to accommodate. “You belong to me, Sammi—my wife—my bride—my whore—my fucking—”
Lock explodes in my mouth, sending wave after wave of his sweet, salty cream gushing over my tongue. I gather it all up, careful to save every spray of it—then I roll it around in my mouth and collect it on my tongue.
I spread my lips and show him—show him the way his seed looks as I balance it on my taste buds.
When I open my mouth again, every drop of that cum is gone.
“You belong to me too, Lock,” I tell him, and for once, I have a grin on my lips just as cocky and smug as his.
“Damn right I do.” Lock takes my hand and pulls me to my feet. “Have you realized yet that when we kiss…you’re going to taste yourself on my lips?”
“And you’ll taste yourself on mine,” I remind him. My chest feels like it contains a fucking supernova right now—but my lips…my lips feel ready for that kiss, even if the rest of my body isn’t yet. “Are we really doing this, Lock?”
“Have to,” he chuckles. “They’re all waiting for us down there…and I’d hate to disappoint our audience.”
“Let’s do it, then,” I tell him. “I love you…husband.”
I watch his face light up at the sound of that word:husband. It’s almost like he’s been waiting for this for a long, long time.
Which is silly, considering we’ve only been together for just this one night.
“I love you too…wife.”