Page 109 of The Marriage Mistake

Chapter 34



My blushing bride is beaming as I carry her over the threshold into our suite. I lean in and give her a kiss, excited to get her inside.

“I love you, Lock!” she says as our lips part. Never in my life has my heart been so full. I’m staring so deeply into her gorgeous green eyes that I’m blissfully ignorant of our surroundings until…

A ping pong ball hits me square in the mouth.

I wince, trying to process what even happened. I look out ahead of me, Sammi still in my arms new bride-style…

We both take a good, long stare at what’s going on in our hotel suite. I don’t know about Sammi, but I can’t even blink.

What the fuck is this shit?

Music is blaring through the entire suite, so much so that the ground is vibrating. I can barely process anything because the bass is just so high.

The coffee table has turned into a poker table, and Becky and Liam are sitting there with a monkey and gambling against it. And worse yet, the monkey looks like he’swinning.

As I turn my head to the dining table, a look of horror manifests on my face that forces Sammi to put her hand on my cheek in a concerned wife manner.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” she asks.

I don’t answer. I just nod my head in that direction.

She turns her face to the sight in front of us. I’ve directed her to the source of the ping pong ball.

Percy and Mysti are playing beer pong. With no paddles.

Why is that any shocking? They’re also not using their hands.

The ping pong ball that tapped me square in the lips was launched from a vagina.

That’s right. A cunt-launched ping pong ball whacked me right in the kisser. How or why they decided it was a good idea to start rocket launching ping pong balls from their pussies is beyond me, but I have an inkling that ladyboy Celine Dion had something to do with it.

They’re all laughing and having a good, time and I can’t help but stare as Mysti lines up her next shot. I watch, perplexed, as she lands a ping pong ball right into one of Percy’s cups.

“Fuck’s sake, ladies,” I exclaim as Sammi giggles uncontrollably.

The three of them look over at Sammi and me.

“Ayyyyyyy!” shout Percy and Mysti, their best drunken attempt at greeting us before returning to their game.

We walk past them and pass by the most intense monkey-led game of Texas Hold ‘Em I’ve ever seen.

The suite is much too loud, and I can see by Sammi’s face that she feels the same. We go out to the balcony, getting some fresh air and a muted version of the chaos as we watch from outside instead.

I return Sammi to her feet and hold her in a loving embrace.

“Thank you, Lock,” she says. She nestles her head against my chest.

“Of course, darl,” I respond. I lean down as she looks up at me, and we share another passionate kiss.

My cock twitches in my pants as our lips meet and meld with one another. As my hand wraps around Sammi’s tight little waist and caresses her side, my thoughts start to go hazy, and I’m overwhelmed with the desire to consummate our marriage.

I reach my hand down to her warm pussy, rubbing the fabric of her dress against her bare pussy lips. She sighs up into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine and raising goosebumps all over my body.