Her fingertips traced my bottom lip. “I’m worried.”

“Me too. I think we’d be crazy not to be.”

“I don’t doubt you, Jude. It’s the world I don’t trust. Circumstances we won’t be able to avoid or control. All the things that come along with being a rock star and being the one who’s left behind.”

I hated this. I hated that she had to voice those worries, but this was reality. Knowing you’ll love someone forever didn’t mean it was always be easy or perfect. It didn’t mean we’d always agree or even like the other very much.

Of course, it’d be Tali not liking me. There was no possible circumstance where I wouldn’t like her.

“We just have to keep talking. I think that’s how we make it, you know? Keep talking, keep telling each other everything,” I said.

Her hands flattened on my chest. “Are we ever going to talk about you saying ‘when’ we get married when we were at my parents’ house?”

“What’s there to talk about? I’ve been upfront about my intentions with you. You’re my forever.”

“You’re my forever too, Jude.” She said it on a whisper, but I caught it, clutching it in my fist. Tali wasn’t one for big talk like that. She thought about every decision from all possible angles.

“I’m not forgetting you said that.”

“I don’t want you to. Just…you know, don’t officially ask me to marry you until I graduate college, okay?”

I laughed, pulling her closer. “I hadn’t planned on it, but now I sort of want to, just to see what you’d do.”

“I’d flip you off, then take your ring and shove it on my finger.”

My chest filled and burst, filled and burst. I rocked my hips, nestling deeper, and she sighed. “Again?”

My cock flexed inside her. “Again.”