
Tali: Studying for a statistics exam, miss you. Xoxo

Jude:In the studio for twelve hours. Wish I was studying with you.

Tali:You’d distract me.

Jude:Exactly. What are you wearing?

Tali:You know each of these texts costs ten cents, right?

Jude:Worth it…if you tell me you’re naked.

Tali:You really think I’m studying naked? Do you know me at all?

Jude:I bet you’re wearing sweatpants and a band T-shirt.

Tali:Too bad you didn’t wager any cash, you would have won. Where are you?

Jude:Taking a break. Sitting on the sidewalk. Someone tossed a quarter at me.

Tali:Lol. You can pay for two and a half of these texts now. Everything okay?

Jude:Too many opinions, not enough good ones. Sev and the label being pains.

Tali:Call me!

Jude:Can’t. Gotta get back in. Just needed to know what you were doing.

Tali:Call me later?

Jude:Can’t. Gotta go to some shitty event.

Tali:I’ll see you next weekend. I love you.

Jude:Jesus Christ, do I love you. I need to see your face so fucking bad.

Tali:Here you go!

*Download Attachment*

Jude:You are the most adorable, gorgeous woman alive. Love you, Stripes.

Tali:Love you, Jude.

The studio was a warzone.

I was still pissed as hell at Seven, and he was walking around, acting like his shit didn’t stink.

Our producer didn’t really get our sound. I was open to change and suggestions, but his particular ones blew. The label seemed to want to refine us to the point where our entire personalities were whittled away. I didn’t come to New York and give up my girl to become a mannequin for them to drape their auto-tuned sound on.

Jeremy and Jin were just happy to be there, imbibing all the free drugs they could stuff up their noses and down their throats.

Tali was the only thing good in my life right now. We’d been holding steady, talking every day, even if it was a few minutes. She’d already been up twice to visit, and I pretty much lived for those moments with her.

We were out tonight again. Some event at a club that would never be my scene. Everyone was too sleek, too polished. The music consisted of remixes of Top 40 pop bullshit. But our new manager, Ari, informed us we had to be seen. We had to make a name for ourselves, even before our first album hit the shelves. Fans would be buying our image as much as our sound.

I’d parked myself at the bar, nursing a beer and putting on the happy musician act whenever Ari brought someone over for me to meet.