Now that he’d put his guitar down, I climbed into his lap, straddling his legs. He held me tight, and our mouths collided in a sweet reunion. We hadn’t gone more than a day without seeing each other over the last month or two, but even that felt like too long most of the time.

“You taste good,” he murmured.

“Chocolate. I went with Tino and Nina to a coffee shop after cooking class and ate a giant brownie all by myself.”

“Didn’t bring any for me?”

“Nope. It was too good to share.”

He brought me in close and slowly licked my lips, then slid his tongue between them, finding mine and curling around it. “Delicious.”

I smiled into his kiss. “I did bring you the pasta I made in class.”

He smacked me on the butt. “I’m starving. Let me have it.”

Climbing off his lap, I grabbed the takeout container and handed it to him along with plastic cutlery I’d stolen from the coffee shop. “It can’t possibly be warm anymore.”

He popped the lid open, eyes widening at the chicken Florentine with rigatoni. “If I take this out there to microwave it, the fools I live with will think they’re entitled to some of it. And I’m not sharing.” He stuffed a forkful into his mouth and made all the proper appreciative noises. “That’s delicious, baby,” he said around a full mouth.

“I must really like you if I still think you’re adorable when you talk with your mouth full.”

He smirked and stuffed another forkful in.

“Tino asked me to live with him this summer,” I blurted out.

Jude stopped chewing, staring at me unblinkingly.

“I told him I’d have to talk to you and my parents, but I kind of want to say yes. It’s so ideal. I can work and go to classes and not have to worry about very many living expenses. And then I don’t have to go back to New York and live under my parents’ thumb. He promised to tone down the parties, like way down.” I lifted a shoulder. “I think it could work really well. What do you think?”

He wiped his mouth with his hand and set the food container down. “I didn’t see that coming.”

“Me either. But now that I’ve been presented with the idea, I like it.”

“Do I really get a say in this?”

“I’d like your opinion. If you have a valid reason you don’t think it’s a good idea, then I’ll listen.”

He rubbed his forehead and groaned. “I’d been holding out hope you’d come on tour with us this summer.”

My heart soared, then crashed just as quickly. “I can’t do that, Jude.”

“I know. I actually have some news about our travel arrangements. Seven talked to some guys he knows in an indie band. They rented a tour bus for the summer, and they have room for us. We’re gonna be sharing a bus with like ten other guys.”

They’d been planning to take Jeremy’s mom’s old minivan and crash wherever they could along the way, so this was surprising.

He reached for me, pulling me into his lap again. I snuggled close, hooking my arm around his middle. “That sounds both amazing and awful.”

He chuckled. “Yeah. It’s gonna be crazy. And there’s no way I’d ask you to share a bus with all those dudes.”

I poked his ribs. “I wasn’t going to share a minivan with the four of you either.”

Sighing, his arms clenched around me. “Fuck, Tali. Every time I start thinking about not seeing you, I get sick. I’m gonna go crazy.”

“Me too. But I’ll visit. I’ve already got your stops memorized. Once I get my summer plans figured out, we’ll plan my visits.”

He pressed his face into my neck sliding kisses along the length of it and across my shoulder. “Stay with Tino. At least if you’re here, I can send Ben to check on you and get reports.”

My head fell back, allowing him to kiss my throat and jaw. “Ah, so this is completely self-serving?”