“I definitely have the same insecurities,” I offered.

Tino huffed. “Don’t blame you. Judy Jude got around before you.”

“I’m very well aware,” I said dryly. “We’re talking about Nina and Heather right now.”

He held his hands up. “All right. I’ve said enough.”

We spent the rest of our time talking about Heather, which was preferable to sorting through Jude’s extensive sexual history. It was the beginning of May and we were speeding toward the end of the semester and headfirst into summer. I’d signed up for summer classes, but I was considering dropping them, since I didn’t have a place to live and needed a job. I’d probably just end up in New York, missing Jude, and moping, yet again, around my parents’ house.

Nina took the bus back to the dorm while Tino drove me to Jude’s house. I hadn’t told him I was coming, but I knew he wasn’t working and wanted to drop off my creation from cooking class.

“I have a proposition for you,” Tino said as he pulled up to the curb in front of the house.


“Move in with me. I have this huge house, and I know your plans for the summer are kind of dependent on a living situation.”

I wanted to say yes, but a lot of things held me back. “Wow, Tino. I don’t...I want to say yes, but I’m not sure my parents will get on board.”

He chuckled. “Tell them we’ve only made out once.”

“They might be okay with it. But I’m not sure I can handle the constant partying. If I’m staying here this summer, it’s to take classes and work.”

“All right. One party a week. Or I can cut them out entirely.”

He sounded just shy of begging. Like he really wanted this and was afraid I’d turn him down.

“I want to say yes.”

“Then do.”

I grinned. “I have to talk to my parents and Jude first. My parents will be the tough sell, I can promise you that.”

“I’m available to sit down for an interview if they’d like,” he said placidly.

Leaning over the console, I gave him a quick hug. “Thank you, Augustino.”

“It would be my honor to house you, Natalia.”

I laughed, because he was such a delightful weirdo, and told him I’d call him soon.

As soon as I got out of the car, the music pouring from Jude’s house hit my ears. I almost asked Tino to drive me back to the dorm instead. But my desire to see my boyfriend trumped my disinclination to hang out with a bunch of high, drunken idiots.

Without bothering to knock, because no one could possibly hear me over the music, I went inside. Immediately, I was hit with a cloud of weed and tobacco smoke. The usual suspects were playing video games and passing a bong around. I didn’t see Jude, so I went down the hallway to his bedroom.

I knocked, but there was no answer, so I pushed the door open slowly. My heart stuttered when I saw him. He sat at the head of his bed, back against the wall, strumming his guitar with his eyes closed. There was a pencil tucked behind his ear and an open notebook on the bed in front of him.

When I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me, Jude’s eyes snapped open, finding mine instantly. Everything about him softened, even as he continued playing.

“Now, you’re a sight for sore eyes,” he said.

I crawled onto the bed, cuddling up next to him. “I hope this is okay, that I just stopped by without calling.”

He stopped playing, gently laying the guitar down before turning to me. “Stripes.”

I bit my lip. “Jude.”

“You made my night. I had big plans of sitting in my room and playing my guitar until I passed out. Now I get to see my girl. That’s more than okay.”