“I didn’t start this line of conversation. Blame Maeve.”

Maeve’s eyes went round, her mouth dropping open. “Don’t even. All I did was ask a question.”

My hands shot to my hair, balling the sides in my fists. “Too many questions. When and if I have something to share with the class, I will.” I hopped up from the floor, grabbing a pile of cheese and crackers from the coffee table. “How about if we talk about the album instead. Diego, are you all done?”

Our former drummer seemed stunned to be called out, but he covered it up with a swipe of his hand over his face. “Yep. I’m just hanging out now.” His head tilted, gaze falling to Maeve. “I’m not stepping on your toes by being here, am I?”

“Nope.” She smiled, tucking her chestnut hair behind her ear. “We all know I’m the better drummer. My toes are just fine.”

Santiago laughed. “Oooh, burn.”

Diego pointed at her, clearly amused and not insulted. “One day, we’re going to have an old-fashioned drum-off. And don’t think I’ll go easy on you just because you’re my sister-in-law.”

While they talked smack, Alex and I held a silent conversation with eyebrow quirks and mouth movements.

Your cheeks are pretty dewy.

Don’t look so damn smug.

You like it.

Maybe. Do I really look so different?

You look happy.

You look happy.

I am.

I am too.

Think they’ll be happy for us?

Only one way to find out.

Not now.

No, not now.

I took a seat in Mo’s ugly, burnt-orange armchair, sinking into the soft, angel cloud cushions.

“So, everything’s smooth sailing?” I pressed.

Moses climbed to his feet, brushing his hands over his jean-clad thighs. “Sure. As smooth as it gets when recording an album with fifty different voices wanting to be heard.” He crossed one arm over his stomach, a fist below his chin. “You’ve been staying away more than normal.”

“You keep me busy.”

He frowned. “Too busy?”

“No, not too busy. I thought we were talking about the album.” My eyes darted to Alex’s, then back to my brother. “On one of our fake dates before the wedding, Alex let me hear the song he wrote. As much as it pains me to say, it’s really good. Have you recorded that yet?”

Moses exhaled, dropping his hands to his hips. “We tried, but it wasn’t working, so it’s on the backburner.”

“What if Alex sings it?” I countered.

Mo’s head jerked back. “Wha—?” His gaze swung from Alex to me. “You’re...asking for Murray to sing?”

I trained my eyes on my nails as though they were the most fascinating thing in the world. “Just a thought. I mean, it’s a brilliant, soulful song and could potentially bring a layer of complexity to the whole album, especially with the added kick of Alex taking the lead. But what do I know? I’ve only been on this ride with you since the beginning.”