“That’s something we never considered,” Santi said. “The lyrics are tight. I hate for the whole thing to get tossed.”
I watched as Alex winced. “It wouldn’t get tossed,” he mumbled.
“Can you sing?” Maeve asked.
He nodded. “Yeah, Mae-Mae. I’ve got decent pipes.”
Moses kept doing that thing where his gaze swung back and forth, back and forth. “Have the two of you talked about this?” he asked.
I sucked in a breath, debating just how many lies I was prepared to tell my brother. Not many, I decided pretty quickly. But I could work the truth to my advantage if needed.
Alex beat me to the punch. “We took two four-hour car rides, spent three days straight together, and went on a few fake dates, so yeah, we’ve talked, and music’s come up a time or two.”
“Are you scared to let Alex sing?” I prodded, attempting to deflect attention from all the time Alex and I had been spending together.
“Scared?” Moses screwed up his face. “What the hell?”
“This is the first we’re hearing of this,” Santi added.
“It’s just an idea. It doesn’t have to happen,” Alex said.
Mo scrubbed a hand down his jaw. “Can I think about it? I kind of feel like this has all been sprung on me without warning.”
“Nothing’s been sprung, Moses. I know you’re used to being the one in charge, but therearefour of you. You might have to share the spotlight, as difficult as that might be for you.”
“That’s uncalled for.” Michaela stood by her husband, giving me an exasperated look.
Properly chastised, I crossed the room to hug my brother. “I shouldn’t have said that.” He squeezed me back, lifting my feet off the ground for a moment. “I’m sorry.”
“Forgiven. But you’re not entirely wrong.” He stepped back, curving his arm around Michaela’s waist, his semi-permanent position.
“Oh?” I crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m not?”
“Yeah. I mean, we all know I’m like a cat rolling around in catnip when I’m center stage. The idea of losing some of that takes some getting used to, for sure.” He turned to Alex. “When we get into the studio on Monday, we’ll work with Jimmy and see if we can come up with something dope—with you on vocals.”
Alex shifted, then stood, then sat back down like he’d had his feet knocked out from under him. “For real? You don’t have to.”
“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” warned Maeve. “I can’t wait to listen to you sing.”
“Me too,” Diego agreed.
“Me too,” I added. “Maybe I’ll find some time in my schedule to stop by.”
Simone squealed from the floor as June blew raspberries and used her hands to create a bird with flapping wings. While all attention was on the gorgeous baby, mine went to Alex.
He didn’t look exactly happy, nor did he seem angry. He stared at me, consternation pinching his brow, and my stomach dropped. I’d let my mouth run away in a fit of anger, and Alex wasn’t happy with either me or the situation I’d gotten him into.
“Do you still like me?” I mouthed.
“Yes,” he mouthed back.
“Are you mad at me?”
“Only a little,” his lips said.
“Want to skateboard and fuck?”
His frown faded away into a barely suppressed grin. “Hell yes, Boo.”
Relieved, I glanced away, finding Maeve’s wide eyes on mine, amusement sparking her pretty features. “You better call me,” she mouthed.
My guts twisted. Our timeline for keeping us quiet had officially just shortened.