The goon informed Reno the money was all there, then tucked the envelope in a hidden pocket inside his jacket.

“Good, good. Very good, Helen.” Reno placed a hand on my shoulder, getting way too close. “Here’s the thing, baby. This is your second late payment. You know how I feel about that. It makes me think you don’t respect me and my business.”

“I do. I had the money but someone—”

Head whipping to the side from the force of Reno’s backhand, I tasted blood and fire. My hand flew to my burning face, but I had no chance to recover before he struck again, shoving me backward so hard, I skidded onto my ass.

Reno crouched down beside me, grasping my hair in his fist. “I don’t give second chances, no matter how sweet of a cunt you have.” His other hand went to my throat, squeezing tight enough to mostly cut off my air. I grappled with his hold, clawing at his hand. I couldn’t die here. Not with Zadie waiting for me at the dorm and Luc counting on me. This couldn’t be my end.

When my vision started to go black, he let me go, and I fell on my back, gasping for air. Reno towered over me, his expression ugly yet bored as he spit on me.

“I own you, Helen. You’re lucky I don’t hit women, baby, or you’d be hurting a lot worse tomorrow.” The two women came forward, one reeling back her leg and connecting to my ribs before I could brace for it. “Jackie and Chantal don’t have anything against hitting other bitches, though.”

He let them loose on me. I got to my hands and knees, only to be kicked back down. My cheek hit the pavement so hard, I saw stars. One of the women kicked me again and again, and I knew if I didn’t get up, they’d kill me. I just knew it.

Wheezing for air, I pushed up, getting my knees under me again. I took a blow to the back of my thigh, another to my hip, but I didn’t fall. My vision dotted when another boot struck me in the ribs, but I was determined to stand. I had to get to my feet, or I’d die. I’d die at a strip club and be another sad headline. I’d be reduced to a dead stripper. Luc would have to remember me that way. Zadie...oh, I couldn’t even think of what would happen to Zadie. I had to get up. I had to get out of here.

I was on my knees, kneeling in front of Reno. I looked up at him, but he wasn’t even paying attention to what was happening to me. He was chatting with his goons like they were out for coffee. I opened my mouth to scream, but it never came.

A pointy-toed boot connected with my jaw, sending me flying back. My vision flashed white, and my brain went hazy. Everything became dull, far away, like I was underwater. The hits stopped, then voices faded. It took me some time to understand it was over. Reno and his crew had left me lying there.

I didn’t know if I could stand, but my hands worked. I took my phone from my pocket, hitting the first contact I recognized. He answered on the second ring.


“Lock...please, I need help.”