Chapter Twenty-five


She didn’t call me.

That shouldn’t have been my first thought when Lock told me my girl needed me, but it was. It didn’t come from a place of jealousy, but a realization of how far I needed to climb to get back to her. My tiger had been hurt, left in a parking lot bleeding, and I wasn’t her one phone call.

Lock met me at the door of her suite, placing a hand on my chest to hold me back. “I need you to go in calm.”

My jaw twitched. “Is it bad?”

“Fucking awful, man.” He captured my eyes, ensuring I heard what he said. “But she’s awake and being stubborn, so I think she’ll be okay.”

“Why is she not in the hospital? Where are the cops?”

“Did you not hear the part about her being stubborn? She wouldn’t let me take her. She was in more of a panic to get back here to Zadie. Wouldn’t tell me why, though.”

“Is Zadie okay?”

“She’s fine.”

I pushed against his hand. “Let me in.”

“Are you going to be cool?”

“I’m going to try.”

He shook his head. “This isn’t about you, man. I see you steaming about not being her phone call. You need to let that go. That was her pride on her mind, not her favoring me over you. You feel me?”

“I feel you, but if you don’t move out of my way and let me get to her, I won’t be cool anymore.”

Lock raised his hand and stepped back from the door, and I flew inside, straight to Helen’s room, taking a deep breath before I went in. It would do me no good to barge forward like the feral animal raging under my skin.

I reined it in. Not much, but enough that I could face what I needed to face on the other side of the door.

Helen was sitting up on her bed, bags of peas and a couple ice packs scattered on her bare torso. Zadie was beside her, holding ice to her cheek. Above it, she was bloody and scraped, the skin around her eye already turning black. Her other cheek was bright pink with a cut down the middle. Her throat was shadowed in bruises.

Shit. I wasn’t strong enough for this. How could I be calm when I was caught in a hurricane of fury?

But then Helen’s hand shot out to reach for me, and I came back. She needed me, so I went to her, kneeling on the floor, taking her hand in mine.

“Baby,” I gritted. “What the fuck?”

“Hey. Don’t talk to her like that,” Zadie protested.

“I’m not.” I brought our joined hands to my forehead. “Jesus, Helen. You need to go to the hospital.”

“No. Please, Theo,” she whispered. “I just need to sleep.”

“I had some leftover prescription Tylenol from when I got my wisdom teeth out.” Zadie stroked Helen’s hair. “She took some a little bit ago. It should kick in soon.”

“Thank you.” I kissed Helen’s knuckles. “You should go rest, Z. I’ll take care of her. I’m here now.”

Helen needed soft. It was next to impossible to give it to her with the violence boiling in my blood, but I would. Whether she agreed or not, whether I’d even earned it, Helen wasmine. That meant I would take care of her however she needed. Right now, she needed me to leash it all.

Later, when she was feeling better, less vulnerable, I’d unleash the rage in my veins. I had no choice.

After heavy protest, Zadie left me with Helen. Lock poked his head in, said he was leaving but would be back in the morning to check in. Then, it was just the two of us. I stretched out on the bed beside her, afraid to touch her anywhere. I’d already caused her enough pain. I wouldn’t do it again.