“Morag, I’d like you to meet my mother, Lady Ada.”

“Oh, Bedivere, ye were able to save her!” Morag said excitedly. “Lady Ada, I am so happy to meet ye.”

“Nay,” said the woman, “it is me who is happy to meet the lady my son tells me was the one who kept him from giving up. I am happy that you will be his wife.”

“What happened in Whitmore?” asked Morag. “Why did it take ye so long?”

“So long?” asked Bedivere. “Morag, we rode day and night and didn’t even sleep, just to make it back here as fast as possible. Plus, we met someone on the road just as we approached the castle.”

“Who?” asked Morag.

All of a sudden, Morag heard the straight trumpets announcing someone and, by the fanfare, she knew it was more than just a knight or a baron. She ran to the window and looked out to see the royal entourage of the king entering the courtyard.

“Richard is here?”

“Aye,” said Bedivere. “He was on his way here for the choosing of the earl’s holdings and we ran into him.”

“Does he ken?”

“He knows everything,” said Bedivere. “And just to ease your mind, he has pardoned not only me, but also my deceased father. He has cleared our family name. I will no longer have to feel shame.”

“Richard used to be a good friend of my husband,” said Ada. “He knew that Gilbert would never plot against him. Actually, he was the one who sent Gilbert as a spy to find out who his enemies were. When he heard what happened, he was understanding. Plus, he thanked Bedivere personally after Lord Rook and Lord Rowen told him how he’d saved their lives.”

“So everythin’ is all right now?” asked Morag.

“Aye, and my family as well as the priest, the king, and everyone else are down in the courtyard waiting for us to get married.”

“Married? Now?” Morag’s heart sped up. She had been so preoccupied thinking about Bedivere that she had almost forgotten that as soon as he returned they were to be married.

“Hurry up and dress for the wedding, Morag,” said Bedivere.

“I am dressed.”

“Morag!” Willow shook her head. “You can’t go to your wedding wearing that.”

“But these are my clothes and I dinna have anythin’ fancy.”

“Well, then it’s a good thing I have something for you to wear.” Willow held out her hand to Lady Ada. “Lady Ada, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to dress you for your son’s wedding as well.”

“Me?” Lady Ada looked up in surprise. The clothes she wore were naught but rags and very dirty.

“Go on, Mother.” Bedivere nodded. “I’ll meet all of you down in the courtyard, but hurry.”

Bedivere left and closed the door, leaving Willow, Lady Ada, and Morag standing there looking at each other.

“You are pregnant,” said Lady Ada, seeing Willow’s large belly. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you,” said Willow heading over to her trunk and lifting the lid. “Come, try on your gown, Morag.”

“Willow, I do no’ think I’ll fit into anythin’ of yers.”

Willow held up a blue gown with long, trailing tippets make of silk and lace.

“Of course not, silly. I am six month’s pregnant. But you will fit in this gown that Maira, Fia, and I made for you out of one of Maira’s dresses.”

“Ye mean, they made it,” Morag corrected her.

“Nay, I mean all of us did. Actually, I was the one to do most of the sewing.”