Chapter 25
Morag paced back and forth nervously in her chamber, not having slept at all since Bedivere, her father, and her uncles left for Whitmore Castle. It had been over two days now and, still, they hadn’t returned.
“Morag, hurry,” said Fia. “Everyone is already in the courtyard.”
“Aye,” added Willow. “Lady Ernestine has announced that she’s made her decision.”
“I dinna care to go,” said Morag. “I’m afeared somethin’ has happened to Bedivere and our faithers. Why are none of ye worried?”
“Morag, ye dinna need to worry about Da or Uncle Rowen and Uncle Rook.” Fia wrapped her baby up in a blanket as she spoke.
“That’s true,” added Maira. “They are the Legendary Bastards of the Crown and have been through a lot worse than this.”
“I suppose,” said Morag. “But I am concerned for Bedivere as well. I love him so much that I dinna ken what I’d do if somethin’ happened to him.”
“He’ll be back soon,” Fia told her. “And then ye two will be married. Now come on, Morag. We’re goin’ to miss all the excitement.” Fia picked up the baby and she and Maira headed out the door. Willow followed, but stopped at the threshold and looked back.
“Are you coming?” asked Willow.
Morag stared out the window and sighed. “I suppose so.” With her head down, she made her way to the door.
“Wait, Morag.” Willow stopped her from leaving. “There is something I want to say to you first.”
“What is it, Cousin?”
“It’s about Bedivere. I’m sorry for what I said about him. I am afraid I haven’t been too kind to him or even to you. However, I have a much different opinion of him now that I know his story.”
“It’s all right,” said Morag softly.
“I also want to be honest with you and tell you that, at one time, Bedivere kissed me and wanted to marry me.”
“I ken that.”
“Aye, but what you don’t know is that he said even though it didn’t work out, he still wanted to marry someone like me.”
“I see,” said Morag, feeling a little disappointed. “I suppose men always dream of marryin’ someone like ye, Willow. But I’ve changed. I think. I am tryin’ no’ to be such a gossip anymore.”
“Morag, what I meant is that he’s getting someone better than me.” Willow smiled and put her arm around Morag’s shoulders. “You two are a perfect couple and I am sure you will be very happy together.”
“Do ye think everythin’ is all right, Willow? I canna help but worry that somethin’ went wrong since they are no’ back yet.”
“Everything will be just fine, I promise you.”
“But how do ye ken?”
“I know because I feel it in here.” Willow laid a hand over her heart. “We are Followers of the Secret Heart, Morag. We know these things because we listen to our hearts. Listen to yours and it will tell you the same thing.”
“I dinna ken how.”
“Here. Let me help you.” Willow took Morag’s hand and placed it over her heart. “Close your eyes,” she said. “Close your eyes and think of Bedivere and you will know that everything is going to be fine.”
Morag closed her eyes and pictured Bedivere standing before her, smiling. He had his mother with him. “I feel it. I see it,” she said excitedly. “Ye are right. I can listen to my heart and know the truth.”
Morag opened her eyes to see Bedivere poking his head into the room. “What are you doing?”
“Bedivere!” Morag ran to him and fell into his arms, kissing and hugging him because she was so happy to see him safe and alive. Then she noticed the gaunt, pale woman standing next to him. Her eyes had dark circles under them and she was naught but skin and bones. However, she was smiling.