“Don’t worry, sweetheart. She’ll be gone by the time you’re ready.”

“She’s funny,” said Sasha.

“Yeah, a real laugh riot.” Chloe listened as her children bounded up the stairs. “Oh, well. I suppose it could have been worse. She could have showed them illustrations from theKama Sutra.”

“Her story about the sperm and the egg was actually kind of sweet,” Joan said.

“ ‘Sweet’ is the last word I would use to describe my mother.”

“Well, sheiscreative. You have to give her that,” Paige said.

“I don’t have to give her anything.”

“Are you talking about me?” a voice asked. “God, what’s that horrible smell?”

Chloe turned to see her mother standing in the doorway. She was wearing bright pink skinny jeans and a turquoise T-shirt with the wordsDANCING QUEENwritten in rhinestone capital letters across its front. Her blond hair was cut very short, and her hazel eyes were having trouble focusing, giving her the look of a deranged pixie.

“Paige and I picked up some Kentucky Fried Chicken on our way over,” Joan told her, explaining the source of the odor. “I can heat you up a piece, if you’d like.”

“God, no. That stuff’ll kill you.”

“Unlike booze,” Chloe said.

“Oh, dear. Are you going to get all pissy on me because I took a little nap?” She turned toward Paige. “I’m sorry…you are…?”

“Paige Hamilton. We met a few years back. This is my mother, Joan.”

“You called in the troops, did you?” Jennifer asked her daughter.

“The kids thought you were dead,” Chloe said, choosing not to mention Matt.

Jennifer whooped with laughter. “Nonsense. I was just showing them this new dance step I’ve been working on—I’m a dancer,” she explained to Paige and Joan, her grandchildren momentarily forgotten. “I’ve won many competitions across the country. I don’t suppose Chloe has told you anything about that. No, she wouldn’t,” she said without pause. “Anyway, I was showing them this little twirl and I got a bit dizzy, so I thought I’d better lie down. I guess I must have dozed off for a few minutes.”

“A few hours,” Chloe corrected.

“Yes, well. It’s not easy looking after two rambunctious children at my age.” She straightened her shoulders. “My daughter called me this afternoon and I dropped everything to come over, and this is the appreciation I get. Is that the way you treatyourmother?” she asked Paige.

“You told them how babies are made,” Chloe reminded her.

“Did I?” Jennifer shrugged. “Well, it’s time they knew.”

“And it’s time you said goodbye,” Chloe said.

Jennifer glanced at her watch. “Oh, my, yes. That it is. Dance practice in an hour. Can’t keep Tyrone waiting. He’s so handsome. All the girls wanted him for a partner. But, well…” She patted her hair, offering the three women her most coquettish smile. “Say good night to the kids for me. Nice meeting you, Janet.”

Joan didn’t bother correcting her.

“And always lovely to see you…”

“Paige,” Paige offered.

“Of course.” Jennifer smiled. “Don’t bother walking me to the door,” she told Chloe. “And feel free to call me anytime.”

The women waited until they heard the front door close.

“Well, I don’t know about you,” Joan said, “but I could use a drink.”