“You certainly can,” Paige said. She held out her right arm, beckoning the children forward.

Sasha was instantly at the women’s sides, but Josh hung back, waiting to be coaxed.

“Come on, you,” Joan said, obliging. “Group hug’s not complete without you.”

“Josh doesn’t likePaw Patrolanymore,” Sasha said as her brother pushed his way into the group.

“What’sPaw Patrol?” asked Paige.

“It’s a kids’ TV show,” Chloe explained.

“It’s stupid,” Josh said.

“I thought you likedPaw Patrol.”

“It’s for babies.”

“I’m not a baby,” Sasha protested. “I’m a big girl.”

“Yes, you are,” Chloe said.

“I know how babies are made,” Josh announced as the circle split apart.

“You do?”

“Jennifer told me.”

Chloe felt the color drain from her cheeks. “My mother told you how babies are made?”

“Right before she fell asleep.”

“We thought she died,” Sasha said solemnly. “But Daddy said she was just very tired.”

Not nearly tired enough,Chloe thought.

“Do you want me to tell you?” Josh asked them.

Chloe nodded, holding her breath.

“The man puts his penis into the woman’s regina,” her son began.

“Ew!” said Sasha, looking horrified.

“And the penis has these millions of sperm. But the regina has only one egg. So, all the sperm have to go racing to the egg to see who can get there first.” He paused dramatically before finishing with a flourish. “And Sasha and I won the race!”

“Hooray!” said Sasha, jumping up and down, clapping her hands above her head.

Chloe bit down on her lip to keep from laughing. Beside her, she saw Joan beaming from ear to ear and Paige turning to face the wall, her shoulders shaking.

I’m the real winner,she thought, grabbing her children and hugging them close. “You certainly did,” she told them. “God, I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Sasha responded immediately.

“Yeah,” said Josh, wriggling out of her embrace.

“Now go get into your pajamas,” Chloe said.

“Where am I going to sleep?” Josh asked. “Jennifer’s still in my bed.”