I don’t know who moved first but suddenly we were both mere inches from one another. I could feel his hot breath fanning my face.

My body was vibrating at a new frequency. It was like a tether that was pulling me toward him. I wanted nothing more than to sink into him. I had dreamt of this moment a thousand times but not once did I ever think that we would get here.

This was Gavin after all. The same Gavin who had seen me vomit out shrimp when I first tasted it. The same Gavin who watched me pick my boogers and piss my pants at my sixth grade recital. The same Gavin I had viewed as nothing more than a friend up until now.

Gavin had always been a handsome one, but I knew that he was off-limits. It was a rule somewhere, wasn’t it? Best friends don’t kiss best friends. Well, we weren’t best friends anymore. We had grown up and my sex was wet and ready for him. I didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or excited. Maybe it was a little bit of both.

There was only a whisker of space between us. All I needed to do was lean in and my lips would be against his.

“Mama?” Axel’s tired voice said from the back.

I jumped away from Gavin like he was on fire and looked at my son. He rubbed his eyes with his small fist, still drunk off of sleep.

“Yes, baby?” I cleared my throat.

“Can I have hot hot?”

Hot hot was his way of saying hot chocolate. And just like that, I was pulled back into reality and my little bubble was popped.

“Of course baby, let me get you out of your booster.”

I didn’t bother looking at Gavin. I was sure my face was red enough and the embarrassment would have been lethal if I had looked at him.

“You should come in for lemonade before you go out to round up the cattle and take them for a dip,” I said hurriedly and then shut the door and dashed into the house with a sleepy Axel in my arms.

I made my way upstairs to lay Axel down. His tantrum wore him out, and I needed a few minutes to collect myself from what had happened in Gavin’s truck. Or more precisely what hadn’t happened.

I laid Axel down in his bed and left his superman themed room. I made sure the baby monitor was on and closed the door quietly,

I leaned my back against the wall, taking a moment to breathe. I closed my eyes, my mind going back to the truck.

Gavin’s eyes flashed behind my eyelids, the way they darkened as they looked at me. For the first time in what had felt like a lifetime, I felt desired. I rubbed the back of my neck to feel the ghost of his touch. The way my skin prickled under his touch. The way heat rose from my core and circulated all throughout my body.

I heard clanging come from downstairs and then a string of curses. My eyes snapped open, and I rushed to the kitchen where I could smell something burning.

When I entered the kitchen, I found my sister-in-law with tears brimming her eyes. She was staring at a smoking pot in the sink.

“Mads?” I asked warily. Her teary eyes looked up to meet mine. Okay, looks like we were a little emotional today.

She pointed to the pot in the sink. “I burnt the damn noodles. And I don’t know why the hell I’m crying.” She angrily swiped at her tears.

She was having one of her days.

I shook my head, laughing softly. “Step aside. I will make your noodles.”

She nodded and waddled her way to a seat by the island. “I saw the truck outside. I thought Ax was meant to be at daycare till four.”

I bit down on my lip before turning away from her and focusing on the pot in the sink. “He got into a fight at daycare and was having a tantrum.”

I couldn’t see her face when she answered. “I’m sure the other guy deserved it.”

I looked over my shoulder at her. “Not the point.”

She held her hands up in mock surrender. “I’m just saying, Axel is not that kind of kid. So if someone made him mad, then they have to be a real shitty person. I know my nephew. He doesn’t bring out the claws unless he has to. Just like his mama.”

I shook my head and soaked the burnt pot. I moved around the kitchen getting everything I needed to prepare fresh noodles for the emotional pregnant lady.

“So are you going to tell me what the fight was about?”