“It was Bring Daddy to Daycare day today.”

“Okay, and what was wrong with that? Did Marcus not show? Because if he didn’t, I will deprive him of sex for like a week.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “But wait, a week would also be torture for me. But you know what? Fuck it, solidarity.” She held a fist in the air to make her point.

She knew that my brother was the closest thing Axel had to a father figure so it was only right of her to assume that Marcus would have gone.

“Marcus didn’t know.” I looked away from her, turning on the water for the noodles.

“What do you mean, Marcus didn’t know?”

“I forgot about the day.” I could feel the emotion building in my throat as Axel’s little red face popped in my head again. “It slipped my mind and then he had to go to daycare and some little weasel bullied him about not having anyone.”

The first tear fell from my eyes and hit the marble countertop. I brushed more tears away angrily.

“Fuck,” I cursed. I walked to the pantry and pulled out a packet of noodles.

“Danny,” she started, but I cut her off.

“What kind of fucking mother am I if I can’t remember important dates like that? I promised myself that I would make sure that Axel never feels the void of not having that asshole in his life and look what I did.”

“Oh, honey.” My back was turned to her so I couldn’t see her. I heard the scrapping of her chair and within a few seconds I felt her belly on my backside. “I know you try to be a super mom but you can’t stop Axel from feeling Arthur’s void. He will get older, and he will have questions.”

I stared up to the ceiling, trying to blink away the tears. “I know that, but I just want this to be enough for him. At least for now.”

She wrapped her arms around me. “And it’s more than enough but you can’t protect him from the curiosity. You can’t protect him from the pain he will inevitably feel when he learns of his dad’s asshole ways and how he treated his mother.”

I knew she was right but the mother side of me, the one that wanted to keep my son in a bubble and protect him, wanted to shield him from all the bad and hurt.

“I know.” I sniffed. “But I will be damned if I don’t try.”

“Just say the word, and I will have someone hunt him down and make him disappear from the face of the earth.” She moved so she now stood in front of me. “I know a guy that could make things look like they were an accident.”

I couldn’t help the soft chuckle that escaped my mouth.

“I’m serious, just say the word.”

I wiped away the few remaining stray tears. “You can pin that idea for a rainy day. How does that sound?”

She shrugged. “Fine. I will just have him on standby. No one fucks with my family.”

I nodded and continued making the noodles she requested. As I stirred the noodles in the water, Maddison came to stand beside me.

“Speaking of fucking…” She wagged her eyebrows at me. “Have we figured out what we are going to do with Mr. Gavin?”

Heat rose to my cheeks as my earlier actions came flooding into my mind. I looked out the window where Gavin’s truck was still parked in the driveway. He was no longer in the driver’s seat so I was sure that he had either gone back to the barn or was out for a ride with one of the horses.

She gasped. “You had sex with Gavin!”

I clasped my hand over her mouth, my eyes wide. I looked around the room, even though I was certain we were the only two adults in the house.

“No, I did not have sex with Gavin.”

She frowned and tried to speak against my mouth. When I didn’t remove my hand right away, she licked the inside of my palm.


“It’s saliva. You will live. So you didn’t have sex with him. But did you kiss him?”

I rubbed my wet hand on my jeans.

“No, I didn’t kiss Gavin. But we almost did in the car when he brought me home.”

She gasped. “I knew you two had tension! It’s only a matter of time before you jump each other’s bones.”

I wanted to disagree with her, but she was right. It was only a matter of time. The question that remained was would I allow myself to fall into Gavin the way my body wanted me to or would I play it safe?