Chapter 26 - Marcus: Fire On The Mountain

I had tried to call Maddie throughout my shift, but she hadn't picked up. It wasn’t until the end of my shift that I finally got through to Danny.

“Hello?” She answered.

“Dan, where is Maddie? I have been trying her phone but it’s not going through. Ash came by the station today and went full radical crazy on me. She knows everything.”

“What?” My sister asked in a panic. “What do you mean by everything?”

“I mean everything. She knows about the fake marriage, and she knows about Pete. I don’t know what she is going to do but, if this gets to Arnie, the deal may not go through.”

“Well after we left Ethan’s practice, I took her back home, so she is probably sleeping.”

I stopped just before I got to my car. “Why were you at Ethan’s practice? I thought you guys had gone to the ranch?”

There was silence on the other end of the line.

“I meant the ranch,” she tried to correct herself, but it was too late, and she knew it, which was why she further went on, “Look, you need to talk to Maddie. It’s not my place to say anything.”

“What do you mean it’s not your place?”

Danny didn’t get the chance to answer me because the next thing I knew sirens were going off behind me, and the guys on duty were running to the truck. I heard my name being called and turned to see chief Whitehall staring at me.

“The call is for your house, Anderson. We don’t have full details, but the address is yours.”

I dropped my phone. My blood ran cold.

I moved on autopilot. I don’t remember getting into my car or even starting it. I don’t even remember driving behind the truck. All I remembered thinking was I needed to get to my wife.

The drive over was all a blur. I stopped the car behind the truck and got out without even shutting my door. Red lights were flashing from the ambulance, and I saw Ethan and Lily standing by it.

Lily was clutching onto her stomach, crying, and Ethan looked distressed. My eyes scanned the area, but I couldn’t see my wife. I ran over to them, my eyes panicked and frantic. My heart thundered in my chest, trying to remain calm and collected, but I knew I would only truly be calm once Maddie was in my arms.

“Where is she?” I bellowed, but they remained silent, still looking pained. Lily balled her eyes out while Ethan held onto her.

I could feel the raging heat from the blaze even from where I stood. I turned and wanted to head into the fire, but the chief came and blocked my path.

“Anderson don’t be stupid. You know you can’t go in there.”

I fought against him. “Chief, that’s my wife. Maddison!”

He held me back, trying to keep me in my place. I fought against him wanting to get to my wife. I knew these guys were good. I had trained with them, but I trusted no one when it came to the people I loved. I could only trust myself.

My mind was racing with thoughts of the night I lost Sarah. The car accident, the crash, and her in the hospital bed. The fear of the same thing happening to Maddison drove my desperation even further.

“Let me go! I need to get to her!” I could feel wetness on my face, and I knew that I was crying, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was getting to Maddison. I would not let anyone else die on my watch.

I felt another pair of arms come around me.

“M, you need to calm down. Let them do their job. She will make it out.” It was Ethan. I fought against him hard, but he held on tightly. “Calm down. When she comes out of this, you want to be strong for her. Pull it together, man. This isn’t Sarah. She will live.”

The strength left me. I stopped fighting, and the pain took over, as I watched the blazing inferno consume our home. I watched helplessly, as my colleagues ran out of the house one by one.

“Danvers, I need a status report,” I heard the chief communicate over his radio. “Give me something here.”

“I just see a trail of blood, sir,” I heard, and my heart shattered.

“Is there a woman in the building?” He asked back, but there was no response. “Danvers, do you copy?”