I turned to run upstairs to go and call the police when I came face to face with someone I had not expected to see. She looked different and deranged.

“Hello, Maddison, you look fat.” Ashleigh had a gun pointed right at me and an empty gasoline jerrycan in hand. Her new blonde hair looked like she had been running her hands through it over and over again.

My eyes went to the floor, and I saw the trail of fuel she had trickled in from wherever she had come. My eyes widened.

“Why did you have to come into the picture? He was going to be mine. We were going to be happy. But you had to show up and take him from me.” She waved the gun in the air. “Why?!”

I held my hands up. “Look, Ashleigh, why don’t you put the gun down, and we can have a civil conversation about this.”

“I gave you an out, Maddison. The story was out. You could have left Riverroad and never looked back, but you stayed. Why would you give up being a Vandlewoods? Why would you choose to stay with him when I gave you an out?!”

It all clicked. It was her who had told the press about my secret. It made sense. She worked for the Daily Mess. She was the reason why I had that falling out with Richard and my mother. I didn’t know if I should have thanked her or been mad but seeing her holding a gun at me, I would say nothing.

“He said he could never love me because he loves you,” she sneered. “I don’t get it. You are nothing but a high-class whore. He said he could never love me…he said that it was all in my mind. He said I was not worthy of his love.”

I knew that Marcus could never say that to her, but I didn’t correct her. She was the one holding the gun. If she told me the sky was purple. I would not argue with her.

My eyes moved to the gasoline on the floor. My heart rate picked up, as I tried to scramble for ways to get out of this safely where both my baby and I would live.

“Stop looking there!” She shot the gun at the wall and the bullet pierced into it. “Pay attention to me, you bitch! I’m tired of people like you taking what is mine. But no more!”

She raised her gun and immediately my hands went to cover my stomach which was a mistake. Her eyes narrowed in confusion before realization painted her face.

“You are pregnant, aren’t you?!”

I whimpered trying to think of a way out of this.

“Answer me!”

But I didn’t. I just continued to cry. I felt helpless. I needed to get to my phone to call somebody.

“Why couldn’t you have just stayed in New York? Why did you have to come back with him? I wanted you gone and now you have forced my hand. If you won’t leave him on your own then I will have to kill you!”

She dropped the jerrycan beside her and pulled out a lighter. My eyes widened, and my defense mechanism kicked in. I reached for the lighter, and she pulled the trigger, and we both tumbled to the ground.