Page 169 of Daddy’s Obsession

“Do you even know what bloomers are?”

“Yep. Sit back.”

He helped her, as though he thought she wasn’t capable of sitting on the toilet by herself. Then he stood there, staring at her.

“What are you doing?” she asked. This new, hyper-attentive Gray was going to take some getting used to.

“Waiting for you to pee.” He frowned. “Are you having trouble? You need to drink more. You don’t want a urinary tract infection. Does it feel sore to pee?”

“I don’t know! I can’t pee with you standing there!”

“Why not?”

“My bladder is shy.”

“You can do anything in front of me, girl.”

“Clearly I can’t. Because I really need to pee, yet I can’t because you’re standing there staring at me.”

“Fine.” He sighed, giving her a look like she was the one being unreasonable.

The guy was insane.

Then he turned, giving her his back. “Better?”

“No, it’s not better! I’m changing your nickname from Grumpy Bear to Insane bear.”

“Kind of a stupid nickname if you ask me.”

“You’re crazy and no one is asking you. Can you please give me some privacy before I burst?”

He sighed. “I’ll go get you your clothes. Do not move from that toilet. I mean it. You move and next time I’m staying in here or you’re using a bedpan.”

As he walked out, he was muttering something about diapers and red bottoms.

Dear Lord.

The man was a complete tyrant.

Although she’d already known that, so she couldn’t really complain. But threatening her with a bedpan? That was just mean. She wanted to show him that she wasn’t scared of him, of giving up some control. But peeing was a hard limit.

Except . . . she was a tiny bit intrigued by the idea of diapers. Not using them but maybe the feel of them.

Urgh. She really wasn’t sure what she wanted.

But she did manage to pee before he returned. He glanced over, giving a grunt of approval as he saw her sitting where he’d left her.

Dear Lord.

She was starting to understand his grunts. She had to grin.

“What’s funny?”

“Oh, I just realized I’m starting to become fluent in Grumpy-Bear-speak.”

“What the hell is that?”

“You know. This.” She let out a small grunt of thanks as he lifted her up, then carried her to the sink. Setting her down, he turned on the tap, then pumped some soap on his hands.