Page 168 of Daddy’s Obsession

His big hand landed over hers. Warm and reassuring. “We’ll figure it out. Don’t worry.”

Okay. They’d figure it out.

“I don’t need a bedpan or a diaper.”

“I don’t want you getting out of bed by yourself. I’ll call the nurse. She should have been back already.”

The poor nurse. When she entered, Gray was standing and scowling at her.

She faltered slightly. “Can I help?”

“Maeve wants to go to the bathroom,” Gray told her. “Make it happen.”

“Gray!”Dear Lord, he was out of control. She turned to the nurse with an apologetic smile. “Would you be able to help untangle me from all of these? I’d like to go to the bathroom. And put some real clothes on.”

“Of course!” the nurse said, coming forward. “You can come off the oxygen now, anyway. Your levels are good. You’ll need to be careful moving around for a start. I can help you.”

“I will help her,” Gray told the nurse, watching her like a hawk.

“Well, all right then.” The nurse removed the oxygen tube and the monitor from Maeve’s finger.

“Thank you so much. You’re looking great today, by the way.”

The nurse blinked then gave her a shy smile. “Uh, thanks. Buzz me if you need anything else.” The nurse scurried off.

“You scared her.”


“So that wasn’t very nice.”

“Who said I was nice?”

She sighed, shaking her head at him as he drew back the blankets. But instead of letting her stand, he picked her up, cradling her against him.

“The nurse didn’t say you had to carry me.”

“You’re not walking. You’re shaky. You could fall and hit your head. You want to get changed into something else after you’ve peed?”

“Um, yes thanks.”

“There’s no need to be embarrassed about having to pee,” he told her. “We all do it.”

“I know.”

He set her down on her feet in front of the toilet.

“Thanks for—”

Before she could finish that sentence, he’d reached under her hospital gown and pulled down the stupidest pair of underwear she’d ever seen. They were so enormous that they might as well be a diaper. And they were kind of see-through.


“What?” he asked, giving her a surprised look.

“You can’t just . . . you can’t just pull my panties down!”

“Why not? Not like you can pee through them. Although not sure these qualify as panties. Pretty sure they’re bloomers.”