Page 143 of Daddy’s Obsession

He cupped the side of her face and he was so hot that it burned. But she didn’t care. Because it meant she was feeling something.

“You are not going to die. Understand me?” he said firmly.

“How do you know?”

“Because I won’t allow you to. I will not let you.”

“And do I always do what you tell me to do?”


“Huh. Yeah, that sounds like me. I’m a good girl. Tell me.”

“So demanding.” He sounded amused.

She just wanted what she was owed. Was that so hard to give?

“You’re a good girl.”

She grunted in satisfaction. Darn straight she was.

“I need an award. At least a certificate. Maybe a gold star.”

“I’ll get you all of that once you’re feeling better. But you have to do what Daddy says.”

“Okay, Daddy,” she said sweetly. As long as what he said was something she wanted to do then they wouldn’t have any issues.

Ooh, she could get a trophy.

“Fuck, you’re still freezing. They need to give you more blankets.”

“Daddy,” she whined.

“Yes, my baby?”

“I needs a song.”


“A song. To cheer me up. I don’t feel right.” She didn’t. She felt awful. Like she had a bad case of the flu.

“I’ll get the nurse.”

“Nooo, Daddy. Song. Please.”

“I don’t sing.”

She sniffled. He was being so mean. Why? Why was he being so cruel to her? It wasn’t fair.

“Girl, you’re so naughty.”

She bit her lip. Naughty? But she was a good girl.

“You won’t always get your way.”

Seemed like she wasn’t getting her way right now.

Then he started to sing to her in a low voice. She didn’t know what the song was. Oh, wait, she did. It was a nursery rhyme.