Page 144 of Daddy’s Obsession

Aww. That was so sweet.

Even if he did have a truly awful singing voice. Like, really, really bad. Still, he was so cute.

Gradually, she drifted back into sleep.

* * *

Voices arguing woke her.

“Who the fuck are you? And what are you doing here with Maeve?” Sampson demanded.

“I’m her boyfriend, who the fuck are you? And stop fucking yelling, you’re going to wake her.”

“Maeve doesn’t have a boyfriend,” Immy stated. “At least, I don’t think she does.”

“Maybe you don’t know her as well as you think you do.”

But she didn’t have a boyfriend, did she? Except that voice, it sounded like . . .

No. There was no way he would be here.

“I’m going to call for security,” Jenner said. “For all we know, he’s the one that put her in here and knocked Abe out.”

“I fucking saved her, you idiots. And you’ll have to kill me to get me to leave her.”

“That can be arranged,” Sampson said in a low growl.

There was a strained silence and she knew she better stop this from escalating further.

“Jenner,” she rasped.

“Maeve? You’re awake?” Jenner said.

“Obviously she is,” Gray snarked. “She’s talking.”

“You shut up!” Sampson snarled.

“Hey, get away from her!” Gray ordered. “One of you could have been the one who put her in here.”

“Why the fuck would we do that?” Sampson asked.

“How do I know? I don’t know you fuckers. But she was under your protection and look what happened. All I do know is that I saw someone climb from the pool and she was lying face down in it. Not. Fucking. Breathing.”


Is that why she felt so terrible? She attempted to open her eyes. She’d nearly drowned? Why couldn’t she remember it? She wracked her brain, searching for any sort of memory, but nothing came to her.

“Why would anyone do that?” Immy asked. “I don’t understand why someone would hurt Abe and try to kill Maeve.”

Someone hurt Abe? Was he all right?

“What is going on in here?” a sharp female voice asked. “Why are you all yelling? You’re going to wake my patient up, not to mention all the other patients you are upsetting. Unless you calm down, I’m going to kick you all out.”

“Our apologies, ma’am,” Jenner said smoothly. He’d always been the charmer.

“Oh. Oh my gosh, you’re Jenner Knight. I love your music.”

Everyone loved Jenner.