Page 65 of Kiss the Girl

Slowly, Savannah got to her feet and gave Grace an awkward smile before making her way out of the room. The house was small and it wasn’t like there was anywhere she could go where she wouldn’t hear them, but she also knew they had both asked her to stay.

She just didn’t know where that meant, exactly.

“Grace, I know I should have…”

“Stuck around? Stayed in touch? Been more involved?” she cried, her voice growing louder with each word. “I gave up everything for you! I had to be motherandfather to our boys! I had to sit and listen to them cry when they wanted their dad and he wasn’t there and I had to console them so they didn’t think it was their fault that you left.” She blew out a shaky breath. “So, no, you weren’t selfless, Cash Coleman. You were a selfish bastard.”

Savannah really wanted to look away, but…she couldn’t.

Then, as regal as a queen, Grace sat down on the sofa. “That needed to be said for a long time,” she said to him. “And I knew I’d regret it one day if I had the opportunity to say it to your face and then didn’t.” Smoothing her hand over her leg, she gave Cash a confident smile. “You gave me three of the greatest gifts in the world and you forced me to be independent. I hated you for that last part because I always felt like I was failing. Now I know that there isn’t anything I can’t do. I’m a badass woman who raised three kids, went back to school and got my degree, and I did a damn good job at all of it. If you had stayed, I don’t know if that would be the case.”

Fortunately, Cash said nothing.

“For years, people treated me like I was a victim—a victim of a deadbeat husband. And maybe it felt that way in the beginning. But as time went on, I grew up and became stronger. Confident. I raised three amazing men. Every day I look at them and I’m in awe. They are incredible and you missed that. You missed seeing that happen and for that I feel sorry for you. You may see them now and think how impressive they are, but it’s even more impressive when you see where they came from.”

Savannah was about to offer her something to drink, but Grace was speaking again.

“I kept people at bay for a long time. I was ashamed of how we lived and I didn’t think I was worthy of friendship or love. But over time, I realized that wasn’t true. I started to embrace my life and the people I knew. And then I met a man I genuinely cared about and you almost ruined that for me.” She paused and let out a low laugh. “You almost pulled me back in with all that charm of yours. But I fought for him and I hate that I lost so much time because of my own naiveté and insecurities that you put on me. But I’m done with that now. Now I embrace it all and you have to know how much you missed out by not allowing love into your life, Cash. You truly missed out. Because love is…it’s everything.”

Savannah glanced over at him and saw him nod and part of her wanted to ask if he was okay because that was a lot that Grace just dumped on him.

And every word was powerful and meant to drive her point home.

“Now, with that all out of the way, I think I’d like something to drink,” Grace said as she smiled at Savannah. “Do you happen to have any sweet tea?”

* * *

Jackson satand watched Savannah and knew something wasn’t right. They were sitting in the living room of the little rental she shared with Cash and eating with his family—his entire family—but she didn’t look comfortable at all.

The impromptu dinner had happened because his mother called and said she wanted tonight to be their private family dinner before this weekend’s big barbecue at Aunt Susannah’s B&B. Naturally, no one was going to say no to coming and there were dozens of cartons of Chinese takeout on pretty much every surface in the kitchen and they were all doing their best to find places to sit and eat. To say it was cramped would be an understatement.

Still…there was a lightness in the air that was comforting. Maybe the pressure was off because they all knew that this was going to be the last time they were all together like this.

Which was a weird way of looking at it, but it fit.

“So, how are you feeling, Mia? You’re in the home stretch,” Cash asked.

Rubbing a hand over her very large pregnant belly, she smiled. “Two more weeks,” she said. “I am so ready to not be pregnant anymore and to hold this baby in my arms. Plus, I’m kind of ready to see my toes again.”

Everyone laughed.

“You know first babies are often late, right?” Grace asked with a wink. “So…just know that the due date is really more like a guesstimate.”

“Why would you even say that?” Austin asked wearily. “We are counting down the days and freaking out as it is. Why add that kind of pressure?”

“You were two weeks late,” Cash told him and it was kind of funny to watch his big brother pale.

“Two? Two weeks late? Why? Why do doctors allow that?”

“Dude, come on,” Garrett chimed in. “You’ve gone to all the classes. This can’t be news to you.”

“I just thought it was something they said to maybe scare you a little. I didn’t realize it was a fact!” Austin looked around. “What about them?” he asked their parents. “Were either of them late?”

Grace pondered that for a moment. “Let’s see…Garret was one day early, and Jackson was…”

“Ten days early,” Cash finished for her. “By the third one, things go fast. Hell, we barely made it to the hospital. Remember, Grace?”

She nodded. “Oh, my goodness. It was wild! They barely got me in a bed to monitor me when I was crowning. Three pushes and he was out.” Reaching over, she playfully patted Jackson’s cheek. “That’s why you were my favorite.”