“Then it’s a good thing that I only have eyes for you, Knox,” she said. He watched as Beck turned to leave the bedroom and Knox couldn’t help his smile. His woman liked to give him shit at every turn. He was going to enjoy spanking her sassy ass red later.

* * *

He finished up his last meeting and was ready to head home to Beck. He stayed later than planned to tie up a few loose ends. He met with Ace and turned over his schedule to his partner. Ace promised that he’d take care of everything and insisted that he just focus on Beck and having a nice vacation. It was the first time he had taken any time off in years and he had to admit, he was looking forward to their pre-honeymoon.

He was finally ready to grab his briefcase to head out when Slater stuck his head into his office. “Hey, Boss,” he breathed. “Sorry to interrupt—you have a minute?”

“Sure, come on in,” Knox said. He quickly realized that he had told Beck to have Slater come back to the penthouse to stay with her. “Wait—if you’re here, who’s with Beck?” he asked.

“I had one of my guys go over to the penthouse,” Slater said. “I couldn’t leave the casino when she called me this morning to come over.” When Knox opened his mouth to protest, Slater held up his hand. “Before you read me the riot act, I told my guy to stay with Beck and stand guard. He’s stationed just outside of your front door, so Beck won’t know he’s even there.”

Knox blew out his breath, “Thanks, man,” he said. “So, what’s up?”

“I need for you to check out some surveillance footage that we have of the parking garage. I think that Felicity was snooping around down there this morning, but I need another set of eyes on this—someone who knows her. Do you mind?” Slater asked.

“Not at all,” Knox said. “I just shut down my computer. Can we head down to security to look at it?”

“That works and then, I can take you home,” Slater offered.

“Sounds good,” Knox agreed. He followed Slater into the elevator and down to security. After he left Beck earlier, he had sent Slater a message telling him that he’d like a security detail traveling with them. Slater convinced him to let him stay behind to handle Felicity and he knew that would be the best idea. “You sure you don’t want to come with us on our little trip?” Knox asked. “You look like you could use a vacation,” he teased.

“I could,” Slater agreed. “But, I also know that Felicity won’t stay hidden away forever. If she’s already made her way into the parking garage when she wasn’t supposed to be there, then she’s willing to break other rules and consequences be damned. I’m worried that if she realizes that Beck is out of town, she’ll go after Rainey and her family to draw her back here.”

“So, you think that Felicity is going to come after Beck then?” Knox asked. The thought made him sick to his stomach. If Felicity got her hands on Beck, there would be no telling what she’d do to her or the baby.

“I do,” Slater said. “Let me show you why.” He held the door to the security wing open and Knox followed him in. “We can use this laptop,” Slater said, pulling the closest one open and loading up the video that he had found. He turned the laptop around so that Knox could better see the screen and hit play. Knox watched as a blond woman wearing a hoodie and jeans made her way around the parking garage. She got to space where Beck’s old beat-up car used to be parked until she moved in with him and started riding with him and Slater to the casino and stopped. The woman slowly looked around the underground garage and as she turned, Knox was able to catch a glimpse of her face. “Oh God—that’s her,” he breathed. “Why is she standing in front of Beck’s parking space?” he asked.

“Wait,” Slater ordered. “It gets worse.” Knox couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of the laptop screen, watching as the blond pulled a can of spray paint from her pocket and sprayed the word, “Bitch” in bright red on the asphalt.

“Shit,” Knox breathed. “You’re right, she is going to come after Beck. Do you think I should rearrange our flight to leave sooner?” he asked. He’d have to come up with an excuse to tell Beck, but her safety was his top priority and he’d do whatever it took to keep her as far away as possible from Felicity. The woman was a loose cannon and he wouldn’t sit around and wait for her to go off.

“I think you’ll be all right to leave in the morning. I’m stationing a few more guys at the penthouse and over at Rainey’s. I’m sure Felicity has figured out that she’s Beck’s sister and I won’t take any chances of her showing up there to lure Beck over to Rainey’s house.”

“Good,” Knox said. “Have you phoned this into the police?” he asked.

“Not yet. I wanted to get you to identify Felicity before I did. You’re sure it’s her?” Slater asked.

“One hundred percent sure,” Knox said. “I want her arrested. I’ll press charges for vandalization of property. Just make sure that they get her this time. If she goes back into hiding, this thing might not ever end and I have a wedding coming up. I won’t push off marrying Beck.”

“Got it,” Slater agreed. “You just worry about getting her out of town and I’ll handle the rest.”

“Thanks, Slater,” Knox breathed.

“No problem, Boss,” he said. “It’s why you pay me the big bucks.”