
Beck walked through the penthouse that was quickly beginning to feel like her home. As soon as Knox moved her in he began involving her in redecorating the place. She knew that he was trying to make it feel like her home, but she already liked his place. She finally had to sit him down and tell Knox that she liked the penthouse as it was, and he agreed to stop forcing changes that weren’t necessary. Sure, she had added a few of her personal touches from her old apartment. Her pictures were out and that automatically made the penthouse feel like her home too. Now, they were planning their baby’s nursery and every little detail they picked out made his home feel like her own.

She raided the fridge and ate a quick snack. Beck was constantly hungry and she was sure that by the time the baby got there, she’d be as big as a house. She found a bottle of water and headed back to the master bedroom. She was going to take a bath and then when her fingers turned pruny from the water, she was going to start packing for their little getaway. Knox’s friend had come through for her in just a few hours and had almost an entirely new wardrobe delivered to the penthouse while he was at work. Tara had even promised to send her everything that she’d need for their trip to a tropical island. All Beck had to do was toss everything into a suitcase and they could be off, which was perfect since Knox was planning on leaving early the next morning.

Beck filled the tub with warm water and her favorite lavender oils. She was going to soak for as long as possible to soothe her aching muscles. Being pregnant had her achy and tired all the time, but she was hoping that she was finally turning a corner. As soon as the bath was ready she stripped and slipped into the lavender-scented water, groaning at just how good it felt.

Her phone chimed and she grabbed it from the side of the tub, hoping that it was Knox telling her that he was on his way home. It was her sister and she pulled up Rainey’s text.

You all right? Slater told me that Felicity is missing. You must be out of your mind. Call when you can. I need to know that you’re safe.

“What the fuck?” Beck breathed. She quickly called her sister. “What the hell are you talking about, Rainey?” she asked.

“You didn’t hear about Felicity packing up her apartment and moving out? Slater said that they have no idea where she is. Are you safe?” That was a damn good question. Knox had told her to have Slater stay with her and that was probably a ploy to make sure that she had a guard on her. When she called Slater and asked him if he could come over earlier, he didn’t say a word about Felicity or the fact that she was MIA. He had another guy in his department come over to the penthouse and she was pretty sure that he was still outside her front door. But, pretty sure wasn’t a guarantee. Was she all alone at her home, without a guard?

“I didn’t know anything about her missing. They told me nothing. I talked to Slater earlier and he didn’t mention anything to me. Just assigned some poor sap in security to come over here to check on me. I’m not even sure that he stayed,” Beck whispered.

“Okay, let’s not panic just yet,” Rainey said as if she could hear the fear in her sister’s voice. “I’ll call Slater to find out what the hell is happening and you call Knox. As soon as you get off the phone call me back and we can compare notes,” Rainey offered. So much for her nice, relaxing bath.

“Fine,” she said, standing in the tub, letting the water run down her body. “I had a relaxing afternoon planned, but now I have to worry about a crazed, armed woman.”

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I have a disgruntled two-year-old who won’t stop crying and three kids about to run through the front door, demanding snacks,” Rainey said.

Beck giggled, “You win,” she said, cupping her little belly. “And, it sounds wonderful.”

“That’s because your kid is still inside of you. Enjoy the peace while it lasts,” she said. “All hell breaks loose when that kid makes land fall.” Beck giggled again and toweled off.

“Let’s make our phone calls and then I’ll call you back,” Beck said. “Talk soon,” she said, ending her call. Beck checked the time. If she was remembering correctly, Knox should be out of his last meeting for the day and would hopefully be heading home soon. She was hoping to be finished backing before that happened, but her sister’s call put a crimp in her plans.

Knox answered her call in just one ring, “Tell me that you’re safe, Beck,” he ordered.

“I am,” she agreed. “I was taking a lavender bath when my sister texted me and asked me that same question. You want to tell me what’s happening with Felicity?” she asked.

“No,” he breathed.

“Knox,” she warned. “You can’t keep me in the dark about things like this. It’s not how our marriage is going to work. I want to be included, even if you think it’s news that might upset me.”

Knox sighed into the phone, “Slater told me this morning that she packed up all of her shit and has disappeared.”

“That’s why you asked me to go on vacation?” she asked.

“Yeah—and I think that getting away will be good for us both. I wasn’t kidding about us not being able to take a real honeymoon until after the baby is here. The second casino opening will double my work load and I won’t be able to get away.”

“I get that, but you can’t just whisk me away every time you think I’m in danger. You said yourself that you need a full security team for a reason. Won’t there always be someone who wants to hurt you or your business?” she asked.

“I don’t care about the people who come for me or my casino. I can handle that, Beck. Felicity is coming for you and that is something that I won’t let happen.”

“How do you know that she’s coming for me?” Beck asked. She tugged on her sweatpants and t-shirt and brushed through her long wet hair.

“It’s why I’m running a little late getting home,” he said. “Slater pulled me into the security office on my way out to show me video footage of Felicity spray painting your parking space. She’s sending us a clear message, Beck.”

She laid down her brush and picked up her cell phone. “What was the message, Knox?” she asked. A part of her didn’t want to know, but she had just finished telling him that if their marriage was going to work, she needed to know all of it—the good, the bad, and the ugly. She had a feeling that this would fall under the “ugly” category of things.

“She spray-painted the word, ‘Bitch’ in your empty parking space,” Knox whispered.

Beck barked out her laugh, “I’ve been called so much worse, Knox,” she promised. “Are you sure it’s her?”

“She was wearing a hoodie, but the camera caught her face when she looked around the parking garage to see if anyone was watching her. It was Felicity, I’m sure,” he said.