“They who?” Beck asked, but she was sure that she already knew the answer to her question.

“Knox and this Slater guy. They are both coming over to make sure that my security is up to snuff,” Rainey said.

“Boy, are they going to be sorely disappointed,” Beck teased.

“Right? I told that Slater guy that my security system was pretty much non-existent, but he insisted that they need to come here to make sure that we’re safe,” Rainey said. Beck heard a car pull into the driveway outside and peeked out the family room windows.

“Shit,” she cursed again. She seemed to be doing a lot of that lately.

“Just hear him out, Sis,” Rainey said. “Knox sounds like a stand-up guy. He’s just trying to keep his promise to you and keep your secret from his staff. Give him a chance.”

“Fine,” Beck grumbled. “I’ll hear him out, but I’m not making any promises to anyone.”

“I wouldn’t expect any less from you, Beck,” Rainey said.

“What the hell does that mean?” Beck loudly whispered.

“It means that you need to start giving people a chance, Sis. I’m the one who should be messed up when it comes to relationships, Beck. I’m the one whose husband died, yet you can’t seem to even admit that you’re in a relationship with a guy who seems to be decent and cares for you.” Beck wanted to tell Rainey that she was wrong. That she didn’t know the whole situation, but she couldn’t, because she was right. A soft knock at the front door had her sister softly cursing and saying something about cutting off people’s arms as she walked to the front door.

“Mrs. Nolan?” Knox asked. Just hearing his voice had Beck’s heart racing.

“Please call me Rainey,” her sister insisted.

“I’m Knox and this is Slater. We spoke on the phone,” he said.

“Yes, come in,” her sister offered. Beck barely had time to stand and straighten her pajamas before Knox was standing over her, staring her down. “How about we give them a minute and you help me make some coffee, Slater?” Rainey asked.

“Um, sure,” Slater agreed. Beck wanted to giggle at the way the big, bad security guard took orders from her bossy, overbearing sister. Slater had no idea what he had gotten himself into by agreeing to help Rainey brew some coffee.

“Knox,” she said when her sister and Slater disappeared to the back of the house.

“Beck,” he breathed. She sat down on the sofa and he sat next to her, careful not to touch her. He was giving her space and that was something she was grateful for.

“Are you feeling better?” he asked.

“What?” she asked.

“You texted that you were sick and needed the day off. Are you feeling better?” he asked.

Beck sighed, “We both know that I wasn’t sick this morning when I texted you.”

Knox nodded, “I saw the video footage of you talking to Felicity, Beck,” he said. “I also have a good idea about what she told you.”

“That you call your assistants at all hours of the night, making demands of them. She led me to believe that you two were—together,” she whispered. Just saying it out loud made her heart hurt.

“No,” he almost shouted. Beck covered her finger over her lips, telling him to be quiet.

“If you wake up my sister’s kids, she will kill you,” Beck promised.

“Right,” Knox breathed. “Sorry. I never touched Felicity. I fucked up with her. I was a demanding ass. I’m kind of a workaholic, according to Slater, and I called Felicity at home to ask her about some reports.”

“That doesn’t seem so awful,” Beck said.

“It was at four in the morning,” he breathed.

“Oh, yeah—that is pretty awful,” she agreed. “My sister told me that Felicity is stalking my place.”

“Yes, and I’m so sorry that you’re involved in this mess, Beck. She’s angry at me and now, she’s transferred that anger to you. She found the note that you left on my desk yesterday, saying that you were looking forward to our date. She threatened to go to HR.”