“And, you agreed to her terms so that she wouldn’t. You kept her from exposing our—” she didn’t finish what she was about to say and Knox smiled at her, reaching for her hand.

Beck gently put her hand into his, “It’s a relationship, Honey,” he prompted.

“Fine,” she whispered. “I’ll keep on working on that, but you can’t let this bitch win. You have to go to HR, Knox. Beat her to the punch and tell them that we’re involved.”

“I won’t do that to you,” he insisted. “I promised that I would give you time, Beck, and that’s what I plan on doing.” She opened her mouth to tell him that she didn’t need time. She wanted to insist that he expose Felicity as a liar and fire her from the casino, but Knox covered her mouth with his hand.

“I need you to promise to let me keep you and your family safe, Honey,” Knox said. “Will you allow me to do that?”

That was something she didn’t even have to think about. Her sister, nephew, and nieces were too important to her to put at risk. If Knox could keep her and her family safe, she’d take him up on his offer. “Yes,” she agreed. “Although, I don’t think that Felicity is capable of hurting me or my family, I’ll allow you to keep us safe.”

“Thank you, Honey,” he said. Knox pulled her onto his lap and gently kissed her.

“Looks like you two worked things out,” Rainey said. “Slater and I made coffee.”

“Beck has agreed to let us keep you guys safe,” Knox said, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Well, I don’t know why this Felicity would want to come after me or my kids, but I appreciate the offer, Knox,” Rainey said. She started to pull the curtain closed from earlier when Beck had looked out the window. “What kind of car was Felicity sitting in? Was that something you could see in the picture?”

“She drives a white Toyota Camry,” Slater said. “Why?” he stood next to Rainey and subtly pulled the curtain to the side. “Shit,” he growled.

“Is that her?” Rainey asked. “She’s found us?”

“Looks that way,” Slater said. “I’ll handle this.” He started for the front door and Rainey was hot on his heels. “Alone,” he insisted.

Beck turned and watched out of the window again as the big guy made his way across Rainey’s front lawn. “Will he be all right?” Beck asked.

“He’s good at his job,” Knox insisted. “He’ll be fine. I’m sure that once Slater explains everything to Felicity, she’ll get the picture and leave us all alone.”

“I’m betting that she’d actually have to be here for Slater to lay down the law,” Rainey said. Knox looked out the window and cursed. “She took off as soon as she saw your bad ass security guy walk out my front door. And now, she knows for certain that Beck’s at my house and that you are on to her stalking my sister.”

“She’s right, Boss,” Slater said, walking back into the house. “We need to move everyone,” he said.

“Oh no,” Rainy said. “I am not waking my kids and moving them to some strange place in the middle of the night. I refuse to uproot them from their house and routines. Can’t you just put in some of those security measures that you were talking about earlier on the phone and call it a night?” she asked.

“What about you, Beck?” Knox asked. “Will you come back to the penthouse with me?” he asked. She was torn between wanting to stay with her sister and wanting to go with him.

“It might help to keep Rainey and the kids safe,” Slater said. “If Felicity can’t find you here, she’ll assume that you’re with Knox and leave your sister alone. It’s worth a shot.”

“Will you and the kids be all right if I go with him?” she asked her sister.

Rainey nodded, “I’d never kick you out, Sis, but Slater might be right. You being here isn’t safe for the kids and they’re my top priority.”

“As they should be, Sis,” Beck agreed. “I’ll go with Knox if you allow Slater to put in a security system to keep you and the kids safe.”

“Fine,” Rainey said. “You can do that tomorrow because I’m sure that if you do it tonight, you’ll wake up my kids.”

Slater nodded, “Deal. Besides, I’d like to keep my arms,” he teased and Beck wondered what that was all about. “If it’s all right with you, Boss, I’d like to stay here and guard the place until I can get a crew in here tomorrow.”

“I’m good with that. In fact, I think you should keep an eye on Rainey and the kids until we can figure out what to do about Felicity,” Knox said.

“Now, wait a minute,” Rainey protested. “I said yes to a security system, not an armed guard.”

“Please, Sis,” Beck asked. “It would make me feel better knowing that you all are safe. Slater is one of the best and he won’t let anything happen to you or the kids.”

Slater nodded, “I’ll even stay outside. You and the kids won’t even know that I’m here.”

Rainey looked him over and barked out her laugh, “I highly doubt that, Slater,” she said. “Fine, I’m guessing that if I want any sleep tonight, agreeing to this crazy plan is going to be the only way to get it. Slater can stay. You just take care of my little sister,” Rainey said, pointing at Knox.

“That’s a promise that I can make and keep,” he agreed. Knox helped Beck up and she gathered her things. Rainey pulled her in for a quick hug as Slater and Knox whispered about something by the front door.

“Call me in the morning,” Rainey insisted. “I need to know that you are safe.”

“I will, Sis,” Beck promised. “Love you.”

“Love you too, Beck,” Rainey called as she and Knox went out the front door. She caught herself looking around in the darkness, searching for whatever was waiting for her out there. It was almost laughable that they were all afraid of the perky little blond who talked to her at the gym earlier that day.

“Don’t worry, Honey,” Knox whispered. “No one will touch you. I won’t let anyone hurt you or your family, Beck.” She heard the promise in his voice and hoped like hell that it was a promise that he could keep.