“No,” he insisted a little too quickly. “I was just thinking that she’s a nice woman and all. You know she deserves to be happy too.”

“Oh, I agree with you one hundred percent, Slater.” Beck wasn’t sure if she was relieved or upset that Slater didn’t have a thing for her sister. “My sister deserves every ounce of happiness she can find since Jack died.”

“Right,” Slater stood and crossed the room to Knox’s desk. “Any update?” he asked. Beck could tell that Slater was conveniently avoiding the subject of her sister’s dead husband and wondered what that was all about. She’d worry about Slater and Rainey later. Right now, they needed to figure out a way to get Felicity out of the casino and their lives.

“Yep,” Knox said. “HR just sent up the contract and you are correct, Honey,” he said. to Beck. She walked over to his desk and he handed her the printed contract. “She signed the contract saying that she agreed to abide by the casino’s rules.”

Beck flipped to the second to last page and smiled. “And, she initialed here that she’d not bring a weapon onto the campus. We’ve got her.” Beck waved the papers around, doing a little dance, and Slater and Knox both laughed.

“We’ve got her and I’m starting to see that you’re talents are being wasted as my assistant, Honey,” Knox said. “How about joining my legal department?”

“But, I’m not a lawyer,” she insisted.

“No, but Trinity is going to be helping out with growing that team, and I’m sure we can find the perfect position for you in that department. How about it?” Knox asked.

“I’d love that,” she admitted. “But, what about you? You’ll be left without an assistant again.”

Knox’s smile nearly lit up his office. “Well, I think that might be a good thing since we’ve got a baby on the way. I mean, we’ll have to tell everyone that we’re getting married and are having a kid. Maybe having you work it in the law department will garner us less speculation and judgment.”

“I didn’t think about all of that,” she admitted. Everything seemed to be moving at warp speed around her. First, the whole “relationship” thing with Knox, then the baby, and now, she was going to have to tell the world that she had not only been sleeping with her boss but was having his baby. It was everything she feared in life, coming to fruition and that scared the hell out of her.

“We’ve got this, Honey. You’ll see that most people are going to be happy for us,” Knox promised.

“I mean, if it helps, I work here and I’m happy for you guys,” Slater offered. “I’m sure you won’t get as much resistance as you’re thinking you will, Beck,” he promised.

“Besides, I own the company,” Knox reminded. “If anyone is put out by our announcement, they can quit. I’m good with that. Just don’t go running for the hills because your afraid of what people will think, Honey,” Knox said.

“I won’t,” Beck promised. “I want to marry you, Knox. You’re right, if people don’t like us being together, then fuck them.”

Knox chuckled, “Well, not exactly what I said, but close enough,” he teased. Knox took the contract from her and handed it to Slater. “Take this to Miles in accounting. He’s the one who hired Felicity and he can be the one to fire her too. Make sure that you have a full security team available to escort Ms. Jones out. I don’t want any trouble and given that she’s armed, I don’t want to take any chances.”

“Got it, Boss,” he said. “I’ll leave a guard posted outside of your office, but I’d like for you two to stay put. Can you do that until we get Felicity out of the building?” he asked.

“Yep,” Knox agreed. “I’m sure that my fiancée and I can find something to do to occupy our time,” he teased, bobbing his eyebrows at her.

Slater groaned, “You two are really over sharing today,” he mumbled. “I’ll call when she’s out, to give you a full update,” he said.

“Thank you, Slater,” Beck said. “Be careful.”

“Always,” Slater breathed, stepping on the elevator. Beck worried that Felicity would freak out when confronted by their security team and the threat of being fired. She knew that Knox had hired some of the best men in Tennessee to be on his team, but that didn’t make the situation any less dangerous.

* * *

Knox had made good on his promise to get her naked and make use of their time waiting for the all-clear from Slater. When it finally came, with a full report of all the trouble that Felicity had given them, Beck worried that they hadn’t heard the last from Knox’s disgruntled ex-assistant.

“You want to call Rainey to tell her that Felicity has been fired?” he asked.

“I’m worried that it won’t make a difference,” Beck whispered. They were laying on his sectional, both still naked, covered with a throw that he kept draped over the back of the sofa. “I mean, she’s still a threat, right. I don’t think we thought this all through well enough. Maybe we just poked the bear and now, Felicity is going to be pissed off enough to actually use the gun that she was flaunting around the office. What if she finds out that I was the one who came up with the grounds to fire her? What if she goes after my family now?”

“I’m not taking the guard detail off of her or the kids, Honey. I just thought you’d like to tell your sister that Felicity won’t be hanging around the office anymore.” She could hear the rest of what Knox wasn’t saying. He wanted her to tell Rainey about the baby and that they were getting married. She was an idiot for not picking up on that.

“Oh, Knox,” she breathed. “I want to tell her about the baby and your proposal too,” she quickly admitted.

He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal, “I didn’t want to push you to do something you might not be ready for,” he admitted.

“I’m ready for all of this, Knox,” she promised. Beck framed his handsome face with her hands and gently kissed him. “I want you and our baby,” she whispered against his lips. She grabbed her cell phone from the coffee table and pulled up her sister’s number.

“Hello,” her sister whispered.