“Hey, Sis,” Beck whispered back.

“You know that you don’t have to whisper, Beck,” Rainey teased. “Why is it you always seem to call during Ella’s nap time? It’s almost as if you have a sixth sense,” she grumbled.

“Sorry,” Beck giggled. “But, we have some news.”

“Felicity’s gone?” Rainey said.

“Good guess,” Beck praised.

“Not really a guess,” Rainey admitted. “Slater beat you to the punch. He called me about twenty minutes ago to tell me about the little glitch you found in her contract. Good call, Sis,” Rainey said. Beck wasn’t sure how she felt about Slater calling her sister to deliver her news. She wondered if he had spilled the beans about the rest of their good news to Rainey. If he had, she would murder him—it didn’t matter if he was Knox’s head of security and good friend.

“Is that all Slater told you?” Beck asked.

“Yeah—why? Is there more?” Rainey asked.

“Um, yes,” Beck breathed. “You could say that there is more.”

“You’re scaring me, Beck,” Rainey said. “What’s happened?”

“Oh, not too much,” Beck lied. “I just agreed to marry Knox,” she said.

“Oh my God, that’s wonderful,” Rainey said. “I’m so happy for you both.”

“Thank you,” Beck said. “He’s here with me now.”

“Put me on speaker,” Rainey said. Beck did as ordered.

“Hey Rainey,” Knox said.

“Congratulations,” she gushed. “I hope you know that if you don’t take good care of my little sister that I’ll kick your ass, right?”

Knox laughed. “I would expect nothing else from you, Rainey,” he said.

“Welcome to the family then, Knox,” she breathed.

“There’s more,” Beck almost whispered. She cleared her throat and took a deep breath. “You’re going to be an aunt,” Beck admitted.

“Finally,” Rainey shouted. “I can’t tell you how many times my kids have asked me when Aunt Beck will have a kid. They are going to be so excited for a new little cousin. I’m so happy for you, Sis,” she said. “You deserve only happiness, Beck.”

“Thanks, Rainey,” Beck said. “You do too, you know. Jack would want for you to be happy too, Sis.”

“I know,” Rainey said. “I’m working on it. One day at a time, right?”

“Right,” Beck agreed. She just wondered if her sister was working on her happiness with Slater. The two had been circling each other for weeks now and Slater’s inquiries only made her more suspicious.

“Listen, Ella’s awake and demanding that I get her out of her crib. We’ll talk later, Beck,” she promised. “We have a wedding to plan and a baby to get ready for now. We’re going to have so much fun.” Rainey ended the call and Beck grumbled something about unleashing the Kraken, causing Knox to laugh.

“She was a bridezilla,” Beck said. “You think it’s funny now, just wait.”

“I think I can handle it,” he promised. “As long as in the end, you’re mine.” Now, that was something she could promise him in return.