
Knox spent most of the morning sulking about Beck and then, he got her text and he was downright worried about her. She seemed more than fine when he dropped her off at her apartment. In fact, she seemed downright salty and stubborn as hell about not agreeing to let him join her at the gym. He wanted to spend every waking moment with her. Hell, he wanted to spend every sleeping moment with her too but telling her that he had developed feelings for her after only just a night, made him sound like a lunatic. He had already pushed her too far by telling her that he wanted to call what they were doing a “relationship”. He could tell by her deafening silence for the ride back to her apartment that she wasn’t happy with what he was asking her to do. He didn’t give a fuck what anyone around the office thought about them sleeping together. Hell, he’d tell every one of his employees to go fuck off if he thought that would help, but it wouldn’t. Beck wasn’t going to change her mind—he could see that much truth in her eyes every time she looked at him. She asked him for time and he could at least give her that, even if he didn’t like it.

Knox immediately texted her back, asking if there was anything he could do for her. He offered to run to the store and bring her over a few things to help settle her tummy, but she never responded.

He pulled his cell from his jacket and called Slater. “Yeah, Boss,” Slater answered.

“Can you check the surveillance videos for the gym to see if Beck made it in this morning? I’m not sure, but I think something’s up. She texted me to tell me that she was taking a sick day, but she seemed fine this morning.” He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach and every one of his instincts was pointing to something being wrong. Beck wouldn’t call in sick on her second day working for him. She seemed too dedicated to let a little stomach ache keep her from coming in.

“Will do, Boss,” Slater agreed. “I’ll run them back for the past couple of hours and let you know what I come up with.”

“Thanks, Slater,” Knox breathed, ending the call. He pocketed the phone and decided to make his rounds on the floor, needing a distraction from worrying about Beck.

Knox pulled open his door and plowed right into Felicity. “Shit,” he grumbled. “What are you doing here again, Felicity?” he asked. He thought that he made it clear that he wasn’t going to be hiring her back—especially not after she all but threatened to report him to HR for making inappropriate demands of her while she was his employee. The last thing he needed was his HR team poking into his business now that he was actually involved with his assistant. That would only piss Beck off since he promised her that he’d give her time before announcing to his casino employees that he was seeing her.

“I didn’t like the way we left things last night, Knox. I came to apologize and to let you know that I’d never go to HR about the way that you treated me. That can just be our little secret,” she whispered. Knox didn’t like the way Felicity made their working relationship sound dirty.

“What can I do for you, Felicity?” he asked.

“You can give me another chance, Knox. You see, I’ve landed a job in your accounting department, and I’ve accepted it.” How had that gotten past him?

“When did you apply for the job, Felicity?” he asked.

“Yesterday, after our late afternoon meeting. I remembered my old friend, Miles, who worked in accounting telling me that he could use someone with my, um—talents down in his office. I headed down there and Miles told me that they just so happened to have an opening.”

“I just bet he did,” Knox grumbled.

“He interviewed me on the spot, and well, I was lucky enough to be hired for the position. I wanted to run this all by you, of course,” she breathed, stepping closer, “to make sure that you were all right with me still being a part of your company’s team. That’s why I’ve come here today—well, and to extend an olive branch.”

“Which is?” he asked, although Knox already had a pretty good idea what her ultimatum would entail.

“Which is, my promise that I won’t go to HR if you are kind enough to let me keep my new job in accounting,” she said. He wanted to flat out tell her no, but he also knew that if she caused trouble for him in HR, they’d start poking around and find out that he was sleeping with Beck. He couldn’t take that chance. Beck made it perfectly clear that he wasn’t to tell anyone about their relationship. Felicity could ruin everything he wanted to have with Beck before it had a chance to take off.

“Fine,” he growled. “But, if you cause any trouble or do anything to fuck me or my casino over, I’ll personally go to HR and tell them about this little ultimatum you gave me. Blackmail is still against the law Felicity, and I won’t hesitate to press charges against you.”

“Noted,” she said, her perfect smile in place. “Oh—I hope your new assistant is working out for you, Mr. Heart. I noticed that she wasn’t at her desk when I got here to see you.”

Knox squinted his eyes at his former assistant, not sure if he liked where she was going with the conversation. He wouldn’t put it past her to do something to Beck, especially after she saw the post-it note from her yesterday, on his desk. He decided to play things cool until he could prove that Felicity was up to no good, he didn’t want to spook her. If she felt overly confident that she could get away with her little scheme, she’d trip up at some point, and then, he’d have her.

“Beck is just fine,” he assured. “She’s just running a few errands for me this morning. I wish you well down in my accounting department,” he lied, emphasizing the word, “My”.

“Well, I appreciate that, Knox,” she breathed. He watched as she walked back to the elevator and turned back to wave at him as the doors closed.

“Fuck,” he breathed to himself. Felicity was turning out to be more trouble than she was ever worth and he had a sick feeling that she had everything to do with Beck taking a sick day. He needed to see the gym video footage himself. Knox had a gnawing feeling that he wasn’t going to like what he found on them and that would have everything to do with the little blond who just stepped onto his elevator.

* * *

Knox walked into the security team's office and found Slater going over the video footage of the gym. “Find anything?” Knox asked.

“Hey Boss,” Slater said. “You’re just in time.”

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Knox admitted.

Slater pointed to the computer screen and Knox couldn’t take his eyes off of the still video image of Beck on the elliptical talking to a skinny blond. “You should,” Slater agreed. He ran the video feed a few seconds into the future and stopped on a clear picture of Felicity’s face. “Isn’t that your former assistant?” Slater asked.

“Fuck,” Knox growled, “yeah, it is. Why the hell is she talking to Beck?”

“I think that the better question here is what the hell is she talking to her about?” Slater said. “You want me to keep an eye on Beck for you?” he asked.