“No,” Knox breathed. “I’ll keep an eye on Beck just as soon as I can find her.”

“You don’t know where she is?” Slater asked. “Is Felicity a threat?” Knox hated that he was going to have to tell Slater about his run-in with his ex-assistant, but she did threaten him and possibly Beck too.

“No, I don’t know where Beck is and yes, Felicity is a threat. At least, she threatened me. She’s blackmailing me. Felicity saw a note that Beck left on my desk about being excited about our date. She put two and two together and came up with me having sex with my new assistant.”

“Shit,” Slater said.

“Yeah,” Knox agreed. “She showed up at my office, demanding her old job back and when I refused, she brought up the note from Beck and asked what HR might think if she went to them and explained that I was overbearing and demanding with all of my assistants. She insinuated that she’d tell HR about me and Beck and if they found out that we are together, she’d have a case against me.”

“Please tell me that you kicked her ass out of the casino, Knox,” Slater said.

“I did last night before my date with Beck,” Knox said. “But then, she showed back up in my office just a few minutes ago. She apologized for her behavior yesterday afternoon.”

“You didn’t believe her, right?” Slater asked.

“Not one bit,” Knox agreed. “I think that she got to Beck and she was covering her tracks with me. She said that she got a job in accounting and asked if I’d let her keep it.”

“In exchange for what?” Slater asked.

“In exchange for her silence about Beck and me seeing each other last night. She promised not to go to HR if I let her keep her new job,” Knox breathed.

“You told her no, right? Tell me that you tossed her back out and this time, she’s not coming back,” Slater growled.

“Cant,” Knox admitted. “I told her that I’d be watching her and if she stepped out of line, I’d have her fired.”

“Damn it, Knox,” Slater grumbled. “Listen, I’m not just your head of security, I’m your friend and your MC brother. I’ll give it to you straight when everyone else around here will bullshit you. I don’t trust this blond and if you let her have free reign around here, she’ll tear this place and your life apart.”

“I understand that, but right now, my priority is finding Beck.” Slater hit play on the surveillance recording and they watched as Beck left the gym in a hurry. She looked angry and scared and he worried about what Felicity had told her.

“You find Beck and make sure that she’s all right. I’ll stay on Felicity and make sure that she doesn’t cause any more trouble for you. If she does, I’ll have her removed from the casino, and this time, it will be for good,” Slater promised.

“Thanks, Slater,” Knox breathed. “I appreciate you and your candor. You’re a good friend.”

“Not a problem, Boss,” Slater insisted. “Just find your girl and be in touch when you do. I want to know that Beck is okay.” Hearing Slater call her his “girl” made him feel crazy things. Beck wasn’t his girl yet—but once he found her, he’d change that. He wouldn’t let anyone or anything come between them—not even his crazy ex-assistant.