The line of his cock pressed hot and urgent against my thigh and I was wet for him. More, I longed to have him inside me with a visceral and endless craving. “I don’t want to wait.”
His hands flexed on my hips, then moved behind me to lift my groin hard against his. “I want you naked,” he demanded. “Wearing nothing but my earrings.”
Overcome, I wanted it too. “Then do it.”
Magic whipped out of him in a black-edged slice that left me nude, making me gasp. With sharp desire, not surprise. Rogue sat up, the candle flames flaring higher with the scorching desire in eyes, and moved so he could look at me in full. I flushed, brutally aware of his gaze and my vulnerability. I’d been naked in front of him once before, but I might have been a little drunk at the time. And then that night had turned out so badly.
“Don’t think of that time.” He ran a long-fingered hand down my flank to my thigh. “This is that night. It will replace it. Be what should have been. We are safe here.”
“Okay,” I whispered, easily losing my thoughts in the long caresses as he stroked me, tracing the curves of my body while I undulated under his touch. If I’d thought that this coupling would be fast and furious, the explosion following months—years?—of packing powder into our internal kegs, I was wrong. He used both hands, lavishing me with sensual strokes, following the swell of my breasts and circling my belly button.
“What is this?” he asked, bending his head to dip his tongue in the indentation, making me gasp and wriggle.
“My…navel,” I got out. “It’s leftover from growing in my mother’s womb.”
“Will our child have one?”
“I imagine so.”
“Good.” He glanced up at me, grinning playfully, a long lock of silky black hair falling across his deep blue eye. “I like it.”
Then he followed my midline, licking and kissing as he went, so my belly fluttered. “Rogue…” I put my hands on his shoulders, urging him up. To no avail.
“Yes, beautiful Gwynn?”
“I can’t wait.”
“Yes, you can.” He swept his tongue along the tender underside of my breast, sending electrical bolts all through my system. My thighs were slick and I scissored them together. “As you made me wait.”
“So we’ll be in bed for nearly a year?”
He laughed, warm breath huffing against my skin. “Not so long as that perhaps.” He moved to the other breast, tasting that one also, in slow laps. Frantic, I clutched his head. He cursed and hot blood poured over my hand.
“Oh! Ohshit!” I yelled. A long lock of his inky black hair fell onto the bed beside me and Rogue had a hand clapped over his bleeding ear. “Rogue—I am so,sosorry!”
Absurdly, he laughed, sliding a glittering glance at me. How he could be so amused, I didn’t understand. I hated the damn claws. Hated myself for being unable to control the things. Deep inside, cool and silver-white, the cat stirred. Stretched.
“Shh.” Rogue palmed my breast with his free hand, a distracting caress. “Don’t fret, delicious Gwynn. Look—already the blood is stopping. The ear will grow back, remember?”
The blood—crimson as mine—had ceased flowing so copiously and only trickled down his arm.
“I hate that I did that,” I confessed. It felt as much a placing of myself into his power as telling him I might love him.Not might. I said I did, heaven help me.
“It is rather distracting,” he agreed and kneeled up. Then vanished the blood along with his shirt. His bare chest gleamed golden, the black lines snaking and winding around his left side like a tattoo of thorns. “But I have a solution.”
Across his palms, green ribbons appeared.
For a wild instant, I couldn’t breathe. All those dreams. All the times he taunted and enticed me with the image of those forest-green silk sashes binding my wrists.
The moment had arrived.
So many emotions churned inside me, seeking a way out. If I’d been aroused already, the sight of those ribbons acted like a chemical catalyst, rocketing my internal reaction exponentially. I craved and loathed the thought of them. Of giving him physical power over me in that way. Ripping my riveted gaze from them, I looked into Rogue’s face, hoping to find an anchor in this roaring sea.
He regarded me gravely. Serene, even. Despite the now-ragged ear and the shorn hair above it. But his eyes burned with searing flame, glittering with desire and the challenge.
“Did you always know it would come to this?” I managed to ask, my mouth a desert of apprehension and fascinated need.
“I wished for it,” he answered. “Is that the same thing?”