“With you?” I let out a shaky laugh. “Probably.”
“Give me your wrists, dangerous Gwynn,” he urged me. “Let me bind you, even if just this once. You know you can remove them with a thought, if you need to.”
“Do you promise me that?” I searched his face, reaching for the truth.
“Yes. These bindings, at least, are ones you can always shed.”
Mesmerized, feeling that this might be another of those haunting dreams, I held out my clawed hands and crossed my wrists.
Chapter 5
In Which [Redacted]
If knowledge is power in a technological world, then control is power in a magicalone.
~Big Book of Fairyland, “Rules ofMagic”
Astorm ofemotion surged through Rogue’s body, so strong it echoed through me and I nearly cried out with it.
“Thank you, my Gwynn,” he sighed.
With reverence, he wrapped the green silk around my wrists, crossing it around and between. My heart thudded out of control and my breath shuddered in and out of my body. I couldn’t look away, even when Rogue’s dark head bent over, his hair drifting across my naked skin, as he pressed a kiss on the back of each hand. As if the binding amplified sensation, the press of his mouth rolled through me. I moaned, a dark and dissolved sound.
Taking the ends of the ribbons, he drew my hands over my head, slowly but inexorably. Tipping my head back, I watched as he tied them to a ring on the headboard. A ring he’d put there just for me, I knew on some profound level. As one knows things in dreams.
Stretched and bound naked before him, my body bowed by the jewel-toned pillows, I gave up something. Some of my fear, perhaps. Or an anger. When Rogue framed my face with his hands and kissed me, his mouth hot on mine and the longing for me pouring out of his heart, I was undone.
He stopped teasing then, his hands dragging over my body in a ruthless possession I couldn’t resist. It seemed as if he touched every part of me, tasted, nipped and kissed every millimeter of skin. I moved with him, while he played me with exquisite skill, as if we performed some bloodless dance of magic and art. He pressed and I bowed. He drew and I followed. For this and this only, he held all the power.
And I yielded it to him with a sense of glory.
Impossibly, the fire between us burned hotter than ever. Equally consuming us, it raged. Rogue muttered incoherent words against my flesh, as lost to it as I. He ravished me in truth, as he’d so often promised to do. I lost all sense of time, reveling in the ecstasy of giving up all my resistance.
I only regained focus when he finally parted my thighs and settled himself between them, pausing for a long and endless moment. I managed to lift my head to see him staring down at my open sex. He’d lost the last of his clothes and kneeled there naked, his cock, as long as the rest of him, jutting high. All over the left side of his body, from temple to ankle, the black thorned lines seemed to pulse. His gaze caught mine in a cobalt flare and he pushed my knees back.
His eyes on mine, he angled himself and pressed the head of his cock against my aching entrance. I held my breath, nearly frantic that it wouldn’t happen, but he smiled, a slow wicked spread of satisfaction.
“Yes, my Gwynn?” he whispered, pushing in just enough to make me crazy.
“Oh please, yes.” I thrummed, vibrating with the need. He’d promised long ago that he wouldn’t take me unless I begged. And here I was. “Please, yes.”
He speared into me.
I convulsed, back arching, crying out as I impossibly climaxed instantly. The blood pooled in my groin pounded back into my circulation, rocketing to my head and back again. My muscles gripped him and he thrust in and out of me, face close to mine, a rictus of agonized delight. He stared into me, seeming to see into the depths of my darkest heart. And drinking it in.
His lips brushed mine and I opened my mouth for him, letting him have that too. Giving him everything while my body absorbed the excruciating pleasure of his cock filling me, molten desire filling my veins again, an almost painful anticipation of the crest to come.
The tension rode him, his lean strength like steel cables against my softer flesh. The climax built in him, palpable, driving my own peak to greater heights. He slowed, stroking in and out of me with nearly languid skill. I almost screamed with the frustration, but he let go of his grip on my knees, holding my face again, making me look at him, pressing his thumb against my lower lip.
“Have me, my Gwynn,” he demanded.
“I do,” I answered, drawing his thumb into my mouth in a sucking caress and wrapping my legs around his hips. “Have me.”
With a hoarse cry, he slammed into me, shattering us both, our voices and bodies winding together like the coiling lines on his body and mine.