Natalie nodded but said, “It’s nothing he can’t handle.”
Damn Cole Security and their tight-lipped ways.
“Aria, please trust me, sweetie, he is highly-trained and qualified to do what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s into. I’ll keep his rendezvous with you a secret. You need to do so as well, for your safety and for his. Can you do that?” She held the note out to me.
Despite my reservations, I nodded and gently took it from her.
With a sigh, Natalie offered me a comforting smile. “Come on. Let’s finish our coffee and cake, and you can tell me all about Mama.”
“Will you stay the night? You can take Lily’s bed. I think my two roommates are out for the weekend, and I wouldn’t subject you to the messiness that is Zoey’s room.” I expected her to say no because that’s generally what people said to me. They were full of all of these wonderful sentiments but were never usually more than the words they spoke.
Natalie grinned big. “I would love to. It gives us more time to hang out.”
I was floored. Maybe Natalie and her friends truly were worth the cloth they were cut from.
“We should order in whatever we want to eat, get some wine, and have a movie night.” Natalie rolled her eyes at herself. “I know, I sound so much like a mom right now.”
I was liking Natalie Dempsey more and more. “No, not at all. That isexactlythe kind of night I need.”
We spent much of the afternoon chatting about everything one could imagine. Life, where we came from, Natalie’s kids, and our men. She was an enjoyable person to be around, and I was reminded of the fun I had at her barbecue over the summer.
When it got later in the evening, we ordered fries, fried chicken pieces, and salad with shakes from one place and ice cream sandwiches from another. With my foster dog comfortably resting at my feet, we tucked into our meal.
“We are total pigs,” I said with a laugh as we switched on the television.
“Oh, who cares? We’re having fun, that’s all that counts.” Natalie backed up her comment by munching on some fries.
I giggled and bit into a piece of crunchy fried chicken.
“Good?” Natalie asked, her eyes lighting up.
“So good!” I said with a nod.
“I’m happy to see you happier than you were earlier,” Natalie replied.
“Your perspective has certainly helped. I still can’t help but be concerned about him, though.” I stabbed my fork into some of the salad on my plate.
“It’s natural, trust me. That’s why it’s good to have a support system, especially with others who are in the same kind of situation.” Lee sipped on her milkshake.
“I think you’re incredibly strong and resilient,” I gushed.
“Oh, sweetie, so are you! Honestly, you gave your bullies the finger and moved all the way to the other side of the world in search of a new start. You have a kickass career and you’re caring for a beautiful dog—whom you should adopt, by the way.” Natalie jabbed a finger at me. “If anyone can hack this lifestyle, it’s you, Aria.”
Her encouragement was uplifting.
“Now, come on, what are we watching?”
I pulled up the streaming service’s movies list and handed her the remote. “You’re the guest, it’s your pick.”
“Okay.” She began scrolling.
“Hey, we’re home!”
I turned slightly and peered over from my spot on the couch at my two roommates.Oops.So, maybe they weren’t going to be out all night. “G’day, who are you two strangers?”
“Very funny.” Lily rolled her eyes at me.
I wasn’t surprised to see Joe walk in behind them. The trio was attached at the hips lately.