Page 61 of Unaware

Chapter Fifteen


“Aria! This is great timing.”

I slowed my pace on the sidewalk outside my building the next day with Mama’s lead hanging over my wrist, and I watched in surprise as Natalie Dempsey closed the door of a cab and rushed towards me. “Lee? You’re a long way from home,” I said as we hugged.

“I am. I’m on a special mission, I suppose,” the pretty blonde said.

“What kind of mission?”

“Mission: Aria Jones, Military Spouse,” Lee responded.

I dropped my arms to my sides. “I’m not sure I’m one of those.”

“Yes, you are.” Lee linked her arm through my own. “Come on, you and I need to have a chat.”

I took her up to my apartment. In an effort to hide my stress, I made us some coffee and set out a cake, exactly like Mum and Pop always did when we had visitors at the farm.

Lee glanced over at Mama as I settled her into her living room whelping box I’d built for her, which doubled as her second dog bed and safe space. “So, you got a dog, huh? She’s adorable.”

“She’s a foster. I’ve got her until she has her puppies.” How long would I tell that lie for?

“Oh, you mean she’s pregnant and homeless? That’s sad. You should keep her. Who would be better for her than a veterinarian?” Lee gushed.

“I’m thinking about it,” I admitted. I sunk into the chair beside her. “So, back to why you’re here to see me?”

“We heard you’ve been struggling with Logan being gone, and Jackson asked me to come up and check on you. Since I’ve been a military wife to two men, they thought I might be able to help you adjust.” Lee squeezed my arm. “I know it’s tough not knowing where he is or what he’s doing, or even how long he’ll be gone. Just because I’ve done this before, doesn’t mean each time Liam gets deployed, I don’t spend every moment worrying about him, and the same goes for the guys I work with since we’re all like family. But having a support system who understands is the key. We’d love to connect with you more during this time, to help you through it. We want you to know that you have people you can talk to and confide in.” Lee took out a printed page of phone numbers. “These are the home and cell phone numbers of all of us ladies, as well as some counselling numbers if you need them. Jackson said he gave you some numbers, but I thought it would be nicer to have them all printed up. If you’ll let us, Aria, we’d love to be your friends, or even your family.”

The sentiment was lovely, I had to admit, even if it was ill-timed. “Thank you. This is nice of you.”

“You’re also welcome in Virginia Beach anytime you like. You can crash with us.” Natalie smiled. “I know Arabelle would love to see Princess Aria again.”

I laughed. “She’s cute. I’d love to see her and all of you again, as well. I could stay at Logan’s since he gave me a key to his house. I wouldn’t want to impose on you all.”

“You wouldn’t be imposing at all.”

I set the page onto the table “That’s all given that Logan and I make it, though. As a couple, I mean.” I felt the anger that Natalie’s kindness managed to quell for a time roll through me. “He hasn’t gone too far. He’s here in New York and he’s all over the place.”

Lee’s jaw dropped. “How do you know that?”

“Because he spent the night with me last night, making sure that I knew he loved me . . . only to ditch me without so much as a goodbye in person this morning.” I drew Logan’s note out of my purse and dropped it in front of her. Tears began to well in my eyes. “I feel like he thinks I’m a mistake.”

“No!” Natalie exclaimed.

I stood and began to pace the room. “He promised so much, showed me how he felt, and then he ripped it away again. What am I supposed to think?”

Natalie rose from the chair. She strode over to me and took me by the shoulders. “Don’t think that way, honey. This is not a rejection.” She waved the card in front of me. “This is his way of protecting you. Because, unfortunately, he’s right. He shouldn’t be in contact with you, not right now. I wish I could tell you more.”

“What is it with you people? Why am I being kept in the dark by everyone?” I sobbed.

“Because if you knew anything, you could be in a lot of danger, especially considering your close proximity.”


“He’s only a few neighborhoods away.” Natalie sighed. “I shouldn’t even tell you that much.”

“Yeah, I know, he’s in Harlem. Is he into something dangerous?” I asked.