Page 37 of Unaware

Chapter Nine


I woke the next morning to an empty bed. My stomach lurched at the sight of no Logan beside me. Before my mind began to play tricks on me and make up bullshit scenarios, I told myself not to worry. He wouldn’t abandon me, and anyway, this was his house. Where would he go?

I laid back on the pillow and stared calmly at the white ceiling. I basked in the glow of the morning after, of being in the bed of my new lover, and contemplated what came next. This was new territory for me. I was dying to know where we went from here, but at the same time, I didn’t want to be that annoying, clingy girl.

One thing I would never do was give up my independence or my life’s goals.

Which meant going back to Brooklyn in a couple of weeks, going back to the job I loved, and perhaps giving this long-distance relationship thing a crack. If Logan wanted to, of course.

But what if he didn’t?

“Shut up, Aria!” I growled.

“Do you always berate yourself first thing in the morning?”

I looked across at the doorway and found Logan leaning against the door jamb, his arms folded across his chest. He was dressed in activewear shorts, runners, and a black tank that showed off every single one of his arm muscles.

Oh my gosh, I’ve scored the hottest SEAL ever,I thought as I shamelessly checked him out. “Ex-SEAL,” I quietly corrected myself.

“What was that?” He cocked an ear in my direction.

“Nothing.” I shrugged innocently. I sat up as he approached the bed and I tugged on his top. “You’ve been out already?”

“Yeah. You were still snoring, so I went out for my morning run. Well, half my morning run.”

“I was not snoring!” I exclaimed.

“What would you call it?”


“With a tiny bit of snoring.” He held his fingers an inch apart.

“Not possible because I don’t snore.” I shoved him.

“How do you know? Have you had another man in your bed in the past to tell you that you don’t snore?”

I whacked him with the pillow then grimaced.

“Oh, really?” Logan tackled me to the bed and tickled me.

“No, no! Stop!” I laughed.

Logan paused. “Will you admit you snore?”


Logan resumed his assault.

“Logan, stop! I beg you, stop!”

“If you won’t admit you snore, will you admit something else?”

“Like what?”
