Page 38 of Unaware

“If you stop, I’ll admit that I love you!”

He stopped.

I froze.

We stared at each other for a long moment, and then embarrassment crept into my every pore.

So much for not being clingy.

I squeezed my eyes closed and tried to move out from under him, but Logan held me fast.

I felt his thumb stroke my face. “Look at me.”

I forced myself to do so, even though I felt tears in my eyes. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said—”

“Stop.” He studied my face. “It wasn’t too long ago that I broke up with my fiancé, and it was a bad breakup. I’ve been in a bad place for a long time, and I treated her like shit. It was something I didn’t think I could get over for a long, long time. I don’t know how this happened so quickly, but I’ve fallen in love with you, Aria. So please, don’t be ashamed of your feelings for me, because they’re mutual.” He shook his head slightly. “I gotta warn you, though, sometimes I’m not always the best guy to be around.”

“Everyone has their own issues,” I countered.

“That’s true. But an ex-SEAL isn’t everyone. We come with a whole boatload of other issues on top of the regular ones. We’re also cocky sons of bitches. I don’t want to treat you the way I treated Chrissy.”

“Then don’t.” I rested my hand on his chest only to notice how fast his heart was racing.

Logan squeezed his eyes closed. “You don’t understand. Sometimes I can’t help it.”

“Then I’ll help you. I’m a healer by trade, remember? Sure, it might be on animals, but you don’t think I can’t bring the same level of care to someone I care about?”

Logan grasped my hand. “If only it were that easy.”

I arched my eyebrow at him. “I never said it would be easy. Don’t put words in my mouth.”

Logan chuckled. “Say it again.”

“Say what again?”

Logan lowered his mouth toward mine. “Tell me . . . how you feel?”

“I . . .”When I hesitated, he nodded encouragingly.“I love you.” My voice was like a breath on my lips.

“I love you, too, my beautiful Aria.”

Logan kissed me deeply, his tongue delving into my mouth, taking my breath away. My hand fisted the front of his tank as I lost myself to him. This kiss was as passionate as last night, but this time, Logan conveyed so much more. It was as though we weren’t afraid to show each other how we felt anymore. Our defences were coming down.

We were interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

“Ignore it,” Logan said. He ran kisses down my still naked body to my breasts.

Before he had the chance to go any farther, the doorbell began to ring like it was malfunctioning.

“Fucking hell,” Logan grumbled. “Give me a moment.”

He stormed out of the bedroom and after a few moments, I wrapped myself in a blanket and crept to the top of the stairwell. It was that Mark guy from the barbecue. He and Logan spoke in hushed tones, so I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but from the expression on Logan’s face, it seemed serious.

I gasped when they glanced up and saw me. Oops, caught red-handed!

“Ah, shit!” Mark let out a sigh. He indicated to me as he addressed Logan, “Do what you gotta do. I’ll see you in the office in an hour.”

With a shake of his head, the lanky blonde left the house. Logan closed the door and a pregnant silence filled the room. The way he looked at me was as though a different man had replaced the man from a few minutes ago.