Page 72 of Strength

“Mommy lurrrves him,” Charlie said.

I blushed and June laughed.

“Now, Charlie, you mustn’t go around telling people’s secrets,” June warned.

“What kinds of wine do you produce here?” I asked.

“Chardonnay, pinot noir, and sauvignon blanc. Pinot noir is the red.”

June pulled up to a brick structure that was similar in style to the house. There was a metal shed connected to the side of the building, making me wonder what this building was exactly.

June indicated the open timber door. “I knew this is where they would be.”

The three of us walked inside and were greeted with rows and rows of large wooden barrels. Beyond the barrels were modern vats made of steel and some kind of complex factory.

Charlie’s eyes lit up. “Whoa, cool! What is this place?”

“This is where we make our wine,” June said.

My mouth was agape as I took the place in. “I echo Charlie’s sentiment. This is amazing. It must’ve taken a lifetime to get something like this up and running.”

We wandered along the aisle of barrels. It was incredibly cool in here and I shivered.

“Two, actually. Brian inherited the place from his father. His grandfather established the property, and my father-in-law extended the vineyard. Then he and Brian helped improve the factory and we opened the retail store down by the property’s entrance. Brian and I have lived here our entire marriage.”

“How old were you when you married?” I asked.

“I was twenty-one, he was twenty-four. He was a senior at my high school when we started dating. We broke up once or twice while we were both in college, the long-distance strained us. But we got through it and were stronger than ever, and we’ve been together ever since. Having Emmett and Samantha was an added blessing.” June looked over at Charlie, who was knocking on one of the barrels. “How old were you when Charlie came along?”


“He has beautiful dark eyes like yours.”

“Thanks. He looks mostly like his father with his olive complexion and face shape.”

“His father . . . is he not in the picture at all?”

I gulped. We were treading into treacherous territory again. “No, he’s . . . he’s bad news.”

June’s face fell slack.

Thankfully, Emmett came to the rescue. “Hey, what are you three doing up here?”

“Your mum’s giving us the tour.” I stepped into his arms and pecked him on the lips.

“That’s nice of her.”

Mother and son exchanged a smile.

Emmett threw an arm out. “What do you think?”

“I’m speechless,” I answered.

“It’s awesome, Emmett!” Charlie knocked on a barrel again.

“Hey, careful, Charlie. It’s dangerous in here.” Emmett summoned him away from the barrels.

“We came to tell you that your mum’s invited me and Charlie to go into town,” I said.