Chapter Twenty-One
I awoke late the next morning and dashed downstairs to find Charlie eating breakfast with Emmett’s mother. The bed was so comfortable and with my late-night activities with Emmett, I had slept in for the first time in God knows how long.
I walked over to Charlie and kissed the top of his head. “Morning, sweetie.”
“Hi, Mom. We’re eating granola for breakfast. You want some?”
“I’d love some. Good morning,” I said to June.
“Good morning, Olivia. There’s coffee and juice, too, if you’d like.”
“Do you have tea?”
“Yes, we do. All kinds, right next to the coffee beans.”
“Thank you so much.” I walked over and picked up a tea bag and took a mug off the hanging rack. “I’m sorry about sleeping in so long. I’m usually up with Charlie.”
“It’s fine. Charlie can be my little pal for the weekend. I want you and Emmett to have some alone time. Every couple needs it.” June picked up her coffee cup and took a sip.
“June’s going to take me to the shops and the beach.”
“And maybe we’ll have a light lunch, too.”
I carried my tea and a bowl of granola over to the table. “Do you know where Emmett went?”
“He’s gone on a tour of the property with his father. They’ll be gone for hours. Once those two get involved in something, it’s difficult to get them to focus on anything else.”
“Well, in that case, a trip to town sounds fun,” I said. Plus, this would be a great way to get to know Emmett’s mum better.
“The beach area is beautiful. We can stop by Samantha’s café for lunch. She does the most amazing light meals as well as coffee. But first, would you like to see some of the vineyard? We can tell the boys we’ll be going to town for a while, and you can see a little behind the scenes stuff.”
I agreed. It sounded like it was going to be a lovely day.
* * *
Charlie whooped like a mad thing as June drove us along the vineyard in a utility vehicle. “This is the best fun ever!”
June looked over at me. “Do you drink wine?”
“When I can afford to,” I said with a nod.
“Do you have a favourite?”
“Any kind of red. I’m not very up to date on the different kinds. I usually have a house red on the odd occasion I go out.”
June sent me a sideways glance. “You’ve had it tough for a long time, haven’t you?”
I avoided her gaze. “It was nothing I couldn’t handle.”
“Still, it must be a relief to not have to rely solely upon yourself anymore.”
I hated talking about how difficult my life was. I hated opening up about myself. Emmett had earned the right to know about me. I didn’t feel the same way about his family, who I’d met less than twenty-four hours ago.
“I can see how much Emmett cares about you.”
Now I smiled. “I care about him, too.”