Page 37 of Strength

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“Ms. Davis? It’s time to take Charlie for surgery.”

I snapped awake and it took me a few moments to remember where we were. The hospital. Charlie had a broken ankle. Emmett. It all came flooding back.

I hadn’t even realised I’d fallen asleep in the hard chair, but I was feeling it now. I got to my feet and stretched.

“I’m going to get my ankle fixed, Mom.”

I was amazed at how chilled out Charlie had been the whole time. Instead of being afraid of the medical procedures, he was treating it like a huge adventure. Here I was stressing out. Maybe I needed to take a leaf out of his book.

“I’m glad. I can’t have a broken child, now can I?” With a smile, I kissed his forehead.

I accompanied them all the way to the prep area. Charlie talked the whole way. He asked the medical staff what everything was and wasn’t fazed when they told him the answers. I think they were smitten with him. Who wouldn’t be? Charlie had a beautiful personality.

When it was time, I kissed Charlie’s forehead and ruffled his hair. “Good luck, baby. I’ll see you soon with your brand-new ankle.”

They wheeled him through the doors as he wiggled his fingers at me.

Now I had about an hour or so to wait. I didn’t know what to do. I wandered back toward the room only to see Emmett at the nurse station. My body froze in fear. Was he here to take Charlie from me?

The nurse pointed toward the room.

I tried to quash the fear within me, but when he walked toward me with his soulful blue eyes, I folded my arms. “What are you doing here?”

“I needed to check in with you and Charlie.” He glanced into the room at the empty bed. “Where is he?”

“Why do you want to know? So you can bring child services in here and take him away from me?”

Emmett hung his head. “That’s not why I’m here. I’m so sorry about what I said, sweetheart. I was worked up. I nearly ran over your son and he broke his ankle as a result.”

“Charlie’s having surgery.” I turned and walked into the room. I felt Emmett hot on my heels, so I distracted myself by straightening his bed.

“It must’ve been a bad break.”

I shrugged a little. “I suppose. I didn’t understand anything they said.”

“Olivia? I’m sorry, okay? Please look at me.”

I didn’t want to because I knew as soon as I did, I’d break down.

He came up behind me and squeezed my arm. “I’m sorry,” he whispered into my hair.

I began to sob. “Please, please don’t take my little boy away from me.”

Emmett’s arms went around me. “I won’t, Olivia, I promise.” He pressed his lips to my hair.

I felt walls crumbing again. He had this way about him that I couldn’t resist. “There’s a reason why I do what I do.”

“Let’s go to the cafeteria and we can talk about it.”

I pulled away from him. “I can’t. I can’t afford to get cafeteria food.”

“It’s my treat.”

“I can’t,” I repeated.

“Yes, you can. I’m sure we’ll be back in plenty of time before Charlie gets out of surgery.” Emmett put his hands on my shoulders and walked me out of the room.