Page 38 of Strength

Somehow, I ended up with a bowl of toasted muesli topped with fresh fruit and a smoothie, while Emmett ate a poached egg with hollandaise and toast.

I set my spoon down. “I want you to know that I don’t leave Charlie home alone by choice. I have a crappy boss who doesn’t care that I have a son. I need to work to support my son. We’re not completely alone. Sometimes my neighbour can watch him, but sometimes she can’t. I also have Rea now, but I can’t always dump Charlie on her because she’s in a similar position to me, except that she has a husband to help her out.”

Emmett lowered his coffee cup. “Why don’t you find a new job?”

“Like what? Most minimum wage jobs are the same. I have no marketable skills to get a better job, and I can’t afford to take any courses. Charlie comes first, always. He has to. If I have to go without so he doesn’t, then so be it. I’m a good mother, Emmett.”

“I see that. But I’m sure you can see that he’s too young to be home by himself. This whole situation is proof of that.”

“I’m open to suggestions.” The other night, his idealism was sexy. Now it was getting on my nerves.

“Let me help. I’ll watch him if you have to work late. I’ll pick him up from school, I’ll help him with his homework, I’ll stay with him until you come home.” Emmett curled one side of his lips upward. “Maybe I could even sleep over sometimes.”

“Pretty cocksure, aren't you?”

“I’m sure about you, baby.”

I leaned back. “Emmett, this is too much. Don’t you work late? What about your dog?”

“He can visit. Charlie would love Tank. I can make sure I finish work earlier. You can also come and stay at my place some nights.”

I folded my arms across my chest. “You have it all worked out, don’t you?”

“I did a lot of thinking last night.” Emmett stroked my hand. “I care about you, Olivia. I want to help out.”

“Okay, Emmett. I’m taking a huge chance on you.”

He squeezed my hand once more. “I understand.”

“Now eat up. We need to be getting back.”

Emmett chuckled. “Okay, Mom.”