Page 90 of Strength

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It felt a little like déjà vu when we went to the Auto Club Speedway again. Only this time, I was excited to watch the cars race, because Charlie was so excited about them, and I could enjoy the event through his eyes. It was great bonding time between the three of us, but especially Charlie and Emmett.

Charlie adjusted the team cap he was wearing and whooped as his new favourite driver, Colton Donovan, overtook two other cars. He was able to bounce up and down freely with the absence of his moonboot, which had been removed during the past week. “This is the best thing ever! I love Indy race cars!”

I laughed as I nudged Emmett. “The other week planes were the best thing ever, now it’s the racing cars.”

“The life of a six-year-old. Every new thing is awesome,” Emmett said with a laugh. “Wouldn’t it be great to be that way again, and not feel jaded by life?”

“Yes, it would.” I watched the cars race for a few minutes, but I wasn’t paying attention to them so much as I was caught up in my own thoughts. “You know, despite everything with Miguel, I guess I don’t fully regret ever meeting him. Because without him, I wouldn’t have Charlie, and I couldn’t imagine my life without him.”

Emmett cupped my face. “I can’t imagine my life without either of you.” He nudged Charlie and nodded at him.

When my son giggled behind his hand, I sent them both a quizzical look.

Emmett took a deep breath and got down on one knee. He pulled out a blue velvet box the size of his palm and opened it to reveal a diamond ring on a rose gold band.

I gasped and gripped the seat in front of me.

“Olivia River Davis, I love you with all of my soul. I want to stand by your side, help you achieve your dreams, and be the kind of dad Charlie deserves. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”

Tears welled in my eyes as I looked at Emmett and Charlie’s hopeful faces. I never imagined myself wanting to marry again. I never imagined leaving that thankless job and shacking up with a kind, compassionate man whom I loved so deeply. My answer was a no-brainer.


Charlie jumped up and down and punched the air with his fist. “Yes!”

Emmett’s smile was as bright as the sun that was shining down on us. He removed the ring from the box and slid it onto the fourth finger on my left hand. He kissed the ring and then he got to his feet and kissed me. He broke the kiss off after a few moments and said, “I’ve thought about everything, and you know I want to keep you and Charlie safe.”

“Of course, I know.”

“I thought I’d get us a confidential marriage license, you can change your surname to mine, or something else, if you want. Anything to keep you anonymous and hidden from Miguel. I’ve leftCorporate Caresand I’ve been offered a job back home in Wayborough Shores. If you are happy to, we can move there before the summer is out and we can find a good school to send Charlie to.” Emmett chuckled to himself. “I’m sorry, I’m bombarding you with so much at once.”

“It sounds amazing,” I assured him. “I do worry about Miguel. He may be in jail, but he’s powerful. I want to disappear for real this time. I want to do so with you. I would love to move, to marry you, and move to Wayborough Shores, Emmett. It sounds incredible.”

Charlie tapped Emmett’s side. “Will I get my own room?”

Emmett lowered himself down to Charlie’s level. “We’ll buy a big, beautiful house, and your bedroom will be so big, you’ll never want to come out.”

“But if I don’t come out, how will I see June, Brian, and Samantha Jo?” Charlie asked.

“That’s a good point,” Emmett said with a laugh.

“Sounds like we have a plan, then,” I said.

“Sounds like it.” Emmett glanced down at the fence line and saw some of the drivers making their way across to sign autographs for fans. “Hey, Charlie, how would you like to meet Colton Donovan?”

Charlie’s eyes went wide. “But isn’t he the best driver of all?”

“You bet.” Emmett indicated the lanky, smoking-hot young man with a shock of dark hair, who was talking with a couple of fans.

“Let’s do it!”

Emmett lifted Charlie up with one arm and wrapped the other around my shoulders. “Get your little book ready, Charlie.”

We made our way down to the fence line.

“Hey there, Emmett. I’m glad you could make it,” a young woman said.