Page 91 of Strength

“Hey, Rylee. Your man kicked some ass out there today.”

“Yeah, I guess he did.”

“Hi, I’m Charlie.” Charlie waved at Rylee.

“Hey, buddy. It’s awesome to meet you.”

“Rylee, my fiancée, Olivia.” Emmett turned to me.

I smiled stupidly at Emmett calling me that.

“I worked with Rylee atCorporate Cares,” Emmett clarified.

“Nice to meet you,” I said to Rylee.

“You, too. Congratulations on your engagement. I’m ecstatic to hear you said yes.”

I narrowed my eyes.

“Oh, Rylee got us the tickets to the race today since they were all sold out. I wanted to propose to you here because last time we were here was the best date I had ever been on,” Emmett said.

I blushed. “Yeah, I guess it was for me, too.”

“We’re going to miss Emmett around the office,” Rylee confessed. “I hear you might be moving.”

I squeezed Emmett. “No ‘might’ about it.”

“Mom and Emmett are going to get married,” Charlie said.

Rylee smiled at Charlie. “It’s wonderful news. Did you enjoy the race?”

“Yeah. I love Colton Donovan!”

“You do, huh?”

Charlie nodded enthusiastically.

Rylee twisted her mouth up. “You want to meet him, huh?”

“I’d love it!”

Emmett put Charlie down. Rylee took his hand and led him over to the star racer.

“I’m looking forward to our new lives together,” I said.

Emmett kissed my hair. “So am I.”

“Let’s have a small wedding at the winery with your parents and sister attending.”

Emmett turned me to face him. “You know, that sounds perfect to me.”