Chapter Sixty-Three
“Come on, sugar. Yougot this.” Meanwhile, I’m about to faint. I’ve barely eaten since yesterday and Finn keeps sending me fucking snaps of them eating Christmas lunch. Turkey, porchetta, and rare roast beef. Pavlova.
Focus. The woman you love is giving birth.
Liv’s grip on my arm tightens like a vice. I wince as nails pierce skin. A low moan rumbles from her.I’ll never tell her how much she reminds me of the cows when weaning...
“That’s it,” the doctor coaches from in between Liv’s outstretched thighs. I don’t like that an old guy is looking at my woman’s most private parts, but he has an important job; ensuring the safety of two people that are my whole world.
I peek down and around the end of the bed. My vision speckles with black dots.Oh fuck, I can see the head...
“One more push, lovey.” Standing behind the doctor, Sheree grits her teeth as if she’s bearing down herself. The midwife has been incredible, cheering on Liv well past the end of her shift. She’s pepped me up when I’m dead on my feet. In this moment, I couldn’t have more respect for women. The pain, the strength it takes to carry and bring a baby into the world. I’m simply in awe.
“And again,” the man coaches.
Liv moans long and deep.
Time speeds up. My head spins as the nurses fuss. The doctor hands me a pair of scissors. Sheree guides my hand as I cut through the sinewy cord.
A wavering scream cuts through the air. I let my head fall back and thank the fucking lord. Crying is good.
“Congratulations. It’s a girl,” the man says and gives me a nod.
He places the baby on Liv’s bare chest. Mother and daughter share a picture-perfect embrace.
My eyes lock with Liv’s as she flops her head against the pillow. Hair damp. Dark rings beneath her eyes. But it’s her blinding smile that steals air from my lungs and comforts my soul.
Pure unadulterated joy.
Smashing my lips to hers, I kiss Liv as our little girl whimpers. “I love you.” My voice breaks. I’ll never forget this moment as long as my heart’s still ticking.
“Love you too. Congratulations, daddy.” Liv smooches my cheek before kissing the baby on its wrinkled forehead. She sweeps her fingers over the little cherub’s sticky brown hair.
Daddy. The word is now carved deep in my heart.
“Bless, the little one wants the boob already.” Sheree laughs, her blonde bun bouncing with the motion. “We’re going to borrow her for a second to do some checks then we’ll bring her right back.”
The nurses take the baby to a small crib with a set of scales.
“Nothing could’ve prepared me for that,” Liv says and sighs. “That was intense.”
“You...” I press my forehead to hers. “You’re my fuckin’ hero.”
Liv and I laugh through our tears.
Sheree returns with the baby swaddled in a pale pink blanket. “A healthy seven pound three.”
So bloody tiny. The rosy cheeks, the button nose. “She’s beautiful. Just like her mumma.”
“Absolutely.” Sheree smiles in adoration. “So, Mum and Dad, do we have a name in mind?”
“We’d had so much trouble deciding on a boy’s name,” Liv sniffs.
“Guess it’s like we knew,” I say with a shrug.
“Her name is Andrea Skylah.” Liv sobs. “It fits her perfect.”
I swallow hard as more tears blur my vision.
Today is our new beginning. As we pave our own way, each day we’ll honour the past; the strong women in our lives that are still in our hearts despite their absence.
Liv and I made a promise to each other. When people ask about the name, we’ll tell the story behind it.
No more secrets, no more lies.